Example sentences of "goes [adv prt] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The enjoyment of gross physical activity goes on for a long time , progressing to skipping and rushing-about games .
2 THE WORLD HAS stopped making sense again , and Odilo forgets everything again ( which is probably just as well ) , and the war is over now ( and it seems pretty clear to me that we lost it ) , and life goes on for a little while .
3 Meanwhile the search goes on for a scientific breakthrough .
4 The track goes on as a pleasant lane beyond Calf Holes , coming alongside a belt of trees on the left and arriving after a mile at the sixteenth-century Ling Gill Bridge , a modest structure with a tablet built into parapet giving the information that it was repaired in 1765 at the expense of the inhabitants of the West Riding .
5 In other words you can have what goes on in the brain at the hardware level does or at the level of nuance does n't necessarily have to correlate with what goes on at a high level description .
6 Later on in the profession itself the process goes on at a different level .
7 Elba remains largely unspoilt and life goes on in a traditional vein
8 But then there are other gardening programmes which very much perform that kind of mediating role you 're talking about , where one of the presenters goes along to a real person with an actual garden and asks the gardener how he or she sets about creating this garden and quite a number of those presenters are women .
9 If your candidate is going to research the level of pollution in a local river , he does n't stand on the bridge and look ; he either wades in to feel for junk or he goes in with a professional diver to find it .
10 Everyone goes in for a little enhancement , one way or another .
11 Before she is finally arrested , she shoots a number of them , and lobs a grenade into the wings , where it goes off with a loud report .
12 Have you ever noticed the response when a car alarm goes off in a busy street ?
13 In all cases consent goes up to a certain point only .
14 Only goes up to a certain height .
15 We put a match to ours and it goes up with a rocket-like roar , heating the yurt in a flash .
16 ‘ I have a mic on my Vox AC30 and a direct which goes out into a Hi-Watt head , and that goes into a speaker simulator , which goes to the desk out front . ’
17 A horse will soon become used to the excitement of a show provided that he goes out on a regular basis from an early age .
18 Pop concert goes out on a bad note
19 Mould , though , goes out with a sly nod towards the future .
20 Not too often that a company goes back to a previous vendor after switching , but Hydro Mississauga Ltd of the eponymous Ontario town , is returning to the Hewlett-Packard Co HP 3000 with Mitchell Humphrey & Co financials , after three years of using an IBM Corp 4381 : the change is being made in an effort to save $2m in operating costs and gain performance improvements , dumping the 4381 for an HP 3000 Series 957 running HP MPE/iX ; it says the power of the new machine has enabled it to reduce its operations shifts from three to two and to cut overnight batch processing from 11 to four hours , and one table-loading job was shortened from 14 hours to 20 minutes — and on-line response time is ‘ significantly improved ’ ; it switched from an HP 3000 Series 70 that lacked the capacity needed in 1989 , moving to the 4381 with Dun & Bradstreet Corp software .
21 His speech goes back into a relaxed drawl , eyebrows half-cocked this time , and a mischievous glint makes the instigator of this flash of temper wonder whether he meant it in the first place .
22 Well really when I had the same thing , you know , and goes back for a little bit this morning and er same sort of thing .
23 But something about him had fastened itself to her memory , and she found herself saying to a bartender the night after , ‘ Do you know a boy , about fifteen or sixteen , a legit , who goes around with a large black dog ? ’
24 The thinking of politicians for whom education is only important if it helps boost the national economy , and this is important because it helps people enjoy what they want , and this is important because it encourages consumption and thus industry , either goes round in a vicious circle or takes off on an interminable regress .
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