Example sentences of "goes [adv] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Slightly irritated he thinks that there is something wrong with the lock and goes down to reception for assistance .
2 And the Midland actually goes down to sort of the top of erm Cambridgeshire ,
3 One advantage of Chinese celebrations is that they do not linger on , as everyone knocks off and goes home to bed at about 9 p.m .
4 More seriously sacrilegious is surely Saint Pierre et le jongleur , " Saint Peter and the jongleur " , in which a jongleur 's soul goes off to Hell with a number of other satirically identified characters — jousting men , usurers , thieves , bishops , priests , monks , abbots , knights — but presents itself , incongruously , as that of a relatively good character , anxious , for instance , to please its new infernal master ( in a witty parody of the Orpheus story ) by singing .
5 Any anaesthetic remaining goes back to patient via the analyser , which adjusts other elements , such as oxygen and nitrous oxide , to the mixture .
6 But Madeleine wo n't let me wake her up , she insists on waiting until she goes back to bed of her own accord .
7 The next instalment in the feud over Dylan , Satchel and another adopted son , 14-year-old Moses , will get a wider audience than ever when it goes back to court in December .
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