Example sentences of "april [adj] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In terms of political influence and popular appeal , April 1934 probably marked the zenith of Fascism in England .
2 Having read your newspaper for many years , I believe your edition of April 17th best illustrates the dilemma facing those who interpret the events of the late 20th century .
3 The Financial Times of April 2 also quoted a DPK spokesman as alleging that " we are facing a worse genocide than Halabja " , a reference to the use in 1988 of poison gas by the Iraqi army in the town of Halabja which killed an estimated 5,000-6,000 people [ see pp. 36168-69 ] .
4 His first full address to the Central Committee in April 1985 again emphasised the importance of the 26th Congress and called for a ‘ steady advance ’ rather than a clear break with earlier policies ; the party 's general line , as he explained it , involved the ‘ perfection of developed socialist society ’ , a characterisation that was thoroughly Brezhnevian in tone .
5 Two weeks before the scheduled start of " talks about talks " with the African National Congress ( ANC ) , President F. W. de Klerk on April 17 strongly rejected the possibility of majority rule , describing it as " not suitable " for South Africa " because it will lead to the domination and even the suppression of minorities " .
6 The UN Security Council on April 4 unanimously condemned the " acts of violence at Rafah " and called on Israel to abide by the 1949 Geneva Convention on the protection of civilians in time of war .
7 Akau'ola on April 1 publicly denied the allegations , made at the end of March in an audience with the King and supported by members of the radical Tokai Kalo Christian Fellowship ( a Pentecostal sect ) who placed the four under guard at church headquarters , apparently to protect them .
8 A report by the Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists ( ICJ ) released on April 28 severely criticized the UK government for denying Hong Kong residents the right of self-determination in the form of a referendum over the terms of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration [ for which see pp. 33656-57 ] .
9 Despite Dole 's change of stance , the House of Representatives on April 24 overwhelmingly approved a non-binding resolution which mirrored the earlier Senate resolution .
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