Example sentences of "art [conj] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Appointed principal of the Calcutta School of Art and keeper of the Government Art Gallery in 1896 , a post he held until 1906 , he was responsible for momentous changes in the art-school curriculum which led to the first Indian nationalist art movement , the Bengal School of Painting , under the artist Abanindranath Tagore .
2 Gauguin 's glorification of the art and life of the South Seas was part of a conscious revolt against what he felt was a corrupt society and the art which it inspired .
3 In the context of German Hellenism as a whole , what it meant was an ever-widening gulf between classics as a study and the creative art and life of the time .
4 Alexander 's campaigns resulted in a blending of the purer Greek form of art and architecture with the ideas on construction , function and ornament which stemmed from a Greek Empire greatly extended towards , and influenced from , the east .
5 The paradoxes of our story are nowhere writ so large as in Rome ; the basilicas of San Clemente and Santa Maria in Trastevere were totally rebuilt in the twelfth century — and yet they perfectly express the art and architecture of the fourth century — as perfectly as any Gothic building of the nineteenth century expresses the thirteenth , or fourteenth .
6 This course is intended as an introduction to research within the field of Christian art and architecture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance studied in the context of Christian belief and practice .
7 ( Council for the Care of Churches , 1990 ) ; to Organs in Churches , ( an unpublished paper for the Department of Art and Architecture in the Archdiocese of Liverpool ) by Mr. Terence Duffy ; and to a memorandum from Dr. John Webb .
8 The Department 's courses accordingly aim to give an understanding of what German writers and thinkers have had to say in the past of the age and the society within which and for which they wrote and make students familiar with contemporary life and literature , art and film in the German-speaking countries .
9 You often hear people say , ‘ Why ca n't we make films over here with the taste and art and honesty of the French cinema ? ’
10 Settis has impeccably international credentials for such an international institution , having held , among other posts , professorships in classical art and archaeology at the University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore , served on the faculty of the Ecole Normale Superiéure at Paris and in1991 having been appointed the first Warburg Professor at the University of Hamburg .
11 She was joined by Betsy M. Bryan , Alexander Badawy Assistant Professor of Egyptian Art and Archaeology at The Johns Hopkins University , Baltimore , who since 1984 has been collecting material on the position of women in New Kingdom society .
12 He has bestowed more than $170 million of art and funding on the Center for British Art and to the University Art Gallery , and contributed another $30 million to the university .
13 We hoped for a continuous flow of information and exchange of art and culture between the two countries .
14 The latter comprises his introductions to several volumes of the series The Documents of Modern Art which he directed and edited from 1944 , his contributions to Possibilities , the first magazine devoted to modern art and culture in the US , as well as those to Modern Artists in America , a book on the contemporary art movement published in 1951 .
15 Fortunately she had become interested in the art and history of the city and spent most of her free time visiting galleries , museums and churches .
16 He suggests the millions of years we spent as reptiles are what have kept the myth of the dragon alive in the art and literature of the world , and this theory also has a physiological basis .
17 His interest in natural sciences ran parallel with his design work at the beginning of his career , and his appointments included the chair of botany applied to the fine arts at the department of science and art , South Kensington ( 1860 ) , and the chair of ornamental art and botany at the Crystal Palace ( 1862 ) .
18 Early English court patronage is covered by Art and Patronage in the Caroline Courts edited by David Howarth ( £40 ) while Patricia Mainardi 's The End of the Salon , Art and the State in the Early Third Republic ( £25 ) documents the closing of an important era in French official art .
19 Michael Kauffmann , sixty-one , is Professor of the History of Art and Director of the Courtauld Institute .
20 Meanwhile down in SoHo to coincide with the Soviet Avant-garde show at the Guggenheim , Rosa Esman has accumulated ‘ The Great Experiment : art and design of the Russian Avant-garde ’ .
21 The Gann Report appeared in April 1974 and made a series of recommendations designed to fit non-advanced vocational courses in art and design into the general pattern of further education .
22 Dawson originally trained in art and design at the London College of Furniture , ‘ because it was the first course I got on . ’
23 Dawson originally trained in art and design at the London College of Furniture , ‘ because it was the first course I got on . ’
24 Penny Dunford is head of History of Art and Design at the University of Sunderland
25 In other tables in the 1985 Green Paper on staff/student ratios ( A11 and A12 ) , the DES distinguishes between arts , science and clinical medicine courses in the universities , but between ‘ lab based ’ , ‘ class based ’ and art and design in the polytechnics .
26 Again , such subjects typically have to develop a more ‘ scholarly ’ , conceptual or abstract side in order to gain admittance to and status within the academic fold , although to some extent they can isolate themselves from other faculties and departments — art and design in the polytechnics and colleges often seem to be states within a state , enjoying an autonomy underpinned by their separate location on inherited art college sites .
27 The review was highly critical of some of the courses in art and design in the polytechnics and identified the lack of suitably qualified and experienced staff and the small number of bursaries available to suitable students .
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