Example sentences of "wo [not/n't] [vb infin] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 Nottinghamshire County Council wo n't confirm what the latest allegations are .
2 Nottinghamshire County Council wo n't confirm what the latest allegations are about but it 's been reported that they centre on fraud and sexual harassment at Redoaks .
3 Nottinghamshire County Council wo n't confirm what the latest allegations are about but it 's reported that they centre on fraud and sexual abuse at Redoaks .
4 ‘ The damned Soviets wo n't know what the hell hit them .
5 He can waffle on about OPEC ad infinitum , and most clients wo n't know what the hell he 's talking about , but they 'll pretend to agree with him and will buy on the strength of what he says .
6 Those guys wo n't know what the weather 's doing out there . ’
7 Whichever side of the transaction you represent , as soon as you 've dispatched or received replies to requisitions ( you ca n't do so before , because you wo n't know what the other side wants or is able to give on completion ) , complete the three agendas " before completion " , " completion " and " after completion " .
8 All these sorts of things are going to be the sorts of things that we 'll bring up in discussion , but you wo n't realize what the problems are until you tried doing it .
9 It 's a very costly business , you know , but it must ring true because of course the actuality 's on our televisions screens every other night and if it does n't have an authentic ring to it then people wo n't accept what the picture has to say .
10 Oh jolly good , we wo n't ask what the fee was .
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