Example sentences of "according to the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Equation ( 6.22a ) may immediately be integrated as in ( 6.24 ) to give ( 9.1 ) where and are arbitrary decreasing functions which , according to the appropriate boundary conditions ( 7.3 ) , are required to satisfy and .
2 They reckon there was a load of fallen branches lying under the air shaft before we pushed the guy down it ; according to the young cop who first went down it looked like he 'd crawled out from the middle of the pile .
3 The democratic aspiration in its classical form is doomed — an outcome which is viewed with either glee or regret according to the political orientation of the theorists concerned .
4 The ‘ cabinet ’ is a term whose meaning differs according to the political system being considered .
5 You will see that there are two parts to it — one in which the items have been sorted according to the geographical location ( ie by county name , alphabetically ) ; the other by service category .
6 Cases were tried at other localities according to the geographical distribution of serious crime .
7 According to the Spanish Ministry of the Interior , the links between MIR and ETA — denied by a leading member of MIR , Patricio Rivas , on Jan. 29 — dated back to 1978 and had lasted until 1989 .
8 Thus , according to the Spanish chronicler Hydatius the settlement of the Visigoths in Aquitaine took place in 418 ; according to the Gallo-Roman Prosper , it happened a year later .
9 ’ Erskine May ’ states clearly that amendments may be made in Committee even if they are not within the Bill 's scope according to the long title .
10 Foucault notes that , at the same time as the Annales school and others were constructing a history according to the long durée , in the history of science , philosophy , and literature , attention was turning in exactly the opposite direction , that is away from vast unities towards phenomena of rupture , discontinuity , displacement and transformation , towards different temporalities as well as architectonic unities .
11 The large lump was a swollen gland — probably the result of the blood irregularity which , according to the second test , had now returned to normal .
12 According to the second interpretation even this may substantially overstate the effect of the section .
13 According to the second view , inspiration was mantic possession : the divine afflatus took over the voice of prophet or prophetess , and employed the human agent as a musician plays a lyre which has no mind of its own .
14 The study was performed according to the second declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Ethical Committee of Aarhus county .
15 According to the first , and the largest group , all labourers are part of the capital ; according to the second group , it is , as Kiker points out , ‘ the skilled individual who is the capital ’ .
16 The Babylonian Jews were loyal to the Seleucids ; 8,000 of them fought off an attack of marauding Ga ] atians , according to the Second Book of Maccabees ( 8.20 ) .
17 According to the second paragraph of article 52 of the E.E.C .
18 According to the 1929 Encyclopaedia Britannica , one theory of consciousness holds it to be inherent in every atom of the body .
19 Invalidity benefit is paid according to the usual contribution conditions and dependants ' benefits are added where appropriate .
20 Hoyle writes : ‘ My own recent work has caused me to doubt , not that evolution takes place , but that it takes place according to the usual theory of natural selection operating on randomly generated mutations .
21 According to the standard description , a long shot of a human figure is one in which the figure takes up half to two thirds of the height of the picture .
22 By the time they were interviewed in late 1982 and early 1983 ( some three years after being made redundant ) , they were divided almost equally between the economically active and inactive — 51 per cent and 49 per cent respectively — according to the standard definition of such activity .
23 This approach , according to the standard thinking , should have made Poland 's producers more competitive .
24 According to the rival belief of the Cartesians , however , body was constituted by extension alone , and not also by either solidity or the ability to communicate motion .
25 At some time he may also have sent an expedition against Normandy which was defeated , and his Helmet coin type , perhaps current from 1003 to 1009 , depicts him in armour ; according to the surviving verse on him by the Icelandic poet Gunnlaug Serpent 's Tongue , the army feared Æthel-red no less than God , and N.P. Brooks has shown that he increased the military burdens on his people by requiring more of his soldiers to wear helmets and byrnies .
26 YESTERDAY 'S crash was the first in which A300 Airbus passengers were killed or injured , according to the best-selling plane 's makers .
27 On July 10-11 proposals were submitted by the USA for a comprehensive agreement including adequate disciplines to eliminate or minimize the adverse trade effects of trade-related investment measures , and by Switzerland for disciplines to be established according to the typical trade effects of such measures in specific trade or macroeconomic circumstances .
28 On St Andrew 's Day 1292 Balliol was crowned at Scone according to the ancient ritual .
29 According to the ancient wisdom , spiritual growth involves transcending the limited and short-sighted Ego to make way for the Self .
30 According to the pre-Budget survey carried out by System 3 for the accountancy firm Ernst & Young , 77 per cent of companies believe they are well placed to lead the country out of recession although most do not feel that the economy has embarked on recovery .
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