Example sentences of "according to [pron] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 According to her the dogs are not a nuisance and she wo n't pay the fine .
2 According to her the material objects of the world provide the common source of that knowledge .
3 I detest the architect Luís Fernández-Galiano , according to whom the mirror that is ‘ Guernica ’ , like a chameleon changing colour , will acquire the golden hue of its true commercial destiny in its seventh incarnation in the armour-plated chamber ‘ designed to be the flagship of socialist cultural policy ’ .
4 According to him the universe sprang from fire and will end in fire .
5 It is worth noting that a number of subjects did not answer the b question in terms of truth or falsehood of fact , but according to what the speaker , in asking the preceding question , had appeared to presuppose .
6 Multiculturalists ( for whom the important task is to encourage harmonious and tolerant cultural diversity ) adjust their view according to what the leaders tell them .
7 Actual battery life will vary quite a lot according to what the machine is used for .
8 He composed his blends not only according to the flavour of the juice , but also according to what the weather had been like that year — an early or late development , depending on the amount of cold or rain there had been — and according to whether the vines had grown a rich or mediocre foliage .
9 Emphasising that the early histories of anorexics rarely give evidence of gross neglect , and that terms like ‘ rejection ’ or ‘ lack of proper love ’ are unhelpful , she concludes that ‘ the details one learns are usually quite subtle ; the important aspect is whether the response to the child 's needs was appropriate or was superimposed , according to what the mother felt he needed , often mistakenly . ’
10 Ginguene noted that in the period when Baroque style was current , and even after , Opéra soloists sang pretty freely for contexts , he specifies ‘ airs , monologues , duos , etc. ’ 'Singers thought they had the right to hurry or slow down , according to what the words seemed to demand or , more often , according to whim' The ‘ orchestra ’ had to accompany ‘ sometimes note for note , these uneven , shaky lines ’ .
11 Tony admits that the price is calculated according to what the market will bear , not , as Adam Smith and his fan club would like , by examining his costs and fixing a price which allowed a modest profit .
12 He dismisses the popular theory of the need to price according to what the market will bear .
13 They were closely integrated into the emerging central paradigm of social evolution , according to which the level of sophistication of these objects was held to symbolize the place of such peoples as a kind of fossil record of social development from the primitive to the civilized ( Steadman 1979 ; Chapman 1985 ) .
14 George Corner recalls an article in the Baltimore Sun of many years ago , according to which the heart and lungs are perfectly respectable , the liver not quite , the spleen dubious and the kidneys definitely vulgar .
15 The failure of such tensions to overturn or revolutionize the social structure has rested in the way in which individuals have been socialized and the fundamental norms according to which the society operates .
16 What can be said , however , is that this sense of an ultimate monotheism according to which the gods are recognised to be manifestations of a single absolute reality is deeply woven into the religious tradition of Hindus .
17 Following Althusser 's suggestion that a historical problematic might be altogether invisible even to experiencing subjects , in The Order of Things Foucault analyses what he provocatively calls ‘ the historical a priori ’ according to which the knowledges of grammar , natural history and wealth , and their epistemic replacements , philology , biology , and political economy , were structured .
18 Thus the Monroe Doctrine ( according to which the US maintained Latin America as its legitimate ‘ sphere of influence ’ ) was as completely overturned as was Soviet control over Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s .
19 On July 8 , European Community ( EC ) representatives signed an agreement with Husseini according to which the EC granted US$35,000,000 as the first instalment of a $54,000,000 grant for the construction of 1,200 housing units in the occupied territories .
20 Apionem I.311 ) , according to which the word Hierosolyma came from hierosyios , " temple robber " .
21 Pound has no recourse to that staple of anti-Russian propaganda in every generation ( some of it was being aired in these years in Eliot 's Criterion ) according to which the Russian is ‘ asiatic ’ , outside the confines of Europe .
22 Horoscopic astrology , according to which the positions of the planets at the time of birth determines the fate of the individual , did not develop until much later .
23 At the adjourned session of the Essex ‘ Justice Seat , on 4 October 1634 , Sir John Finch produced the Forest Eyre roll of 1277 , according to which the bounds of the forest of Essex were sworn to be ‘ from Bow Bridge to Catway Bridge in length , and in breadth from the river of Thames to Stanstreet ’ — that is , the whole of the country south of ‘ Stanstreet ’ ( or Stanestreet ) was declared to be Forest .
24 Although Descartes advocated a broadly ‘ mechanical philosophy ’ , according to which the material world was to be understood in terms of matter and motion , he was not a standard corpuscularian or atomist .
25 Pancevski himself appeared to come down on the side of the Serbian position by stressing repeatedly that political pluralism " must be based on socialist orientation and the federal structure " and asserting : " The LCY finds unacceptable the thesis according to which the essence and form of political pluralism are reduced to a classic multiparty system alone . "
26 L 379 , p. 1 ) , according to which the levying of any customs duty or charge having equivalent effect and the application of any quantitative restriction or measure having equivalent effect were prohibited in the internal trade of the Community ; ( c ) article 8(1) of that Regulation , which , as regards the payment of an indemnity to producers who were not members of a producers ' organisation , provided that such an indemnity was to be granted without discrimination as to the nationality or place of establishment of the recipients ; ( d ) article 27(2) of that Regulation , which laid down for all fishing vessels flying the flag of one of the member states the principle of equal access to ports and first-stage marketing installations in the other member states ; ( e ) article 5(2) of Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 170/83 , which authorised the member states to determine the detailed rules for the utilisation of the quotas allocated to them , in accordance with the applicable Community provisions ; and ( f ) article 13(2) of Council Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 3094/86 laying down certain technical measures for the conservation of fishery resources ( Official Journal 1986 No .
27 By constitution we mean , whenever we speak with propriety and exactness , that assemblage of laws , institutions and customs , derived from certain fixed principles of reason , directed to certain fixed objects of public good , that compose the general system according to which the community hath agreed to be governed …
28 in 1843 , according to which the depths of the ocean beyond a few hundreds of metres were devoid of life .
29 Rabuka had by June 2 secured an understanding with the FLP leader Mahendra Chaudry according to which the FLP would participate in the new legislature .
30 Indeed , just as Berkeley 's immaterialism foreshadows the phenomenalist theory of perception developed by the so-called Logical Empiricists of this century , so his view , according to which the aim of science is not to provide explanations of nature 's regularities but only to arrive at concise and useful descriptions of them , foreshadows their instrumentalism .
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