Example sentences of "herself with [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But once the business had been established and the initial problems of setting it up had been dealt with , she had found herself with a certain amount of time at her disposal , time to relax , time to remember .
2 She did n't want to find herself with a one-way Goldenrail Supersaver to Belsen .
3 Melanie had joined us , having put Antiope to bed somewhere among the tents , and so had her minder Tricia , though she was n't slamming with us , rather contenting herself with a small carton of yoghurt drink and a straw .
4 Soon she aligned herself with a small group of women who wanted to break into publishing .
5 And if he decided that he did n't want a divorce ? she asked herself with a small shiver .
6 She felt the beginnings of a disastrous blush and busied herself with a dirty mark on the window , getting out her handkerchief and scrubbing , her back to Louise .
7 Emma will be able to tell you all about that herself with a little help from her owner if you ring her on .
8 Silvia perched herself with a broad smile on the edge of the bed .
9 About to batter the floor with her heel , Lissa stopped herself with a superhuman effort and held herself rigid .
10 After her husband 's death she had borne herself with a mournful dignity which had done her standing no harm , and taken the funeral food to the tomb herself with a regularity and devotion which would have shamed women lamenting better-loved partners .
11 Jessamy told herself with a dark frown .
12 The taxi nosed its way back into the traffic as she introduced herself with a soft Cockney accent and a shy manner .
13 She was tied up until lunch with yet another department meeting but , after a sandwich in the refectory , found herself with a clear afternoon .
14 Suitably bowdlerized , said Viola to herself with a grim smile : if she knew Walter , there was a good deal of slap and tickle involved which did n't get into the account .
15 She took off her shoes , and lay down fully clothed , covering herself with a heavy quilt .
16 Teaching summer school , she told herself with a quick dart of guilt , not kissing wild Sardinians in the middle of the ocean .
17 She was getting out of this house for a while , she told herself with a resigned sigh .
18 But , as he reached across her to open the door and her fear of being touched did n't materialise , her heartbeat steadied and , contenting herself with a curt nod , she stepped across the threshold and walked briskly down the passageway and out of his sight .
19 This left Lady Arran free to fortify herself with a large tot of rum .
20 In this new life which had been thrust upon her , she felt that she must surround herself with a little group of servants whom she knew to be loyal to her .
21 Crushed ambitions and women 's lib feelings had rallied to the author 's right to identify herself with a polished ship .
22 Phoebe lying on her bed in her mother 's house in north London , asked herself with a sudden rush of nostalgia .
23 I wonder , she said to herself with a sudden lurch of her heart , I wonder if I 'm embarking on something I shall not be able to stop ?
24 This time she was able to trap the playful retort before it made it from her mind to her mouth , managing to content herself with an indifferent lift of the shoulders .
25 Shiona smiled to herself with an uneasy kind of pleasure .
26 When it comes to her imagined transcriptions of Jip 's diary , she goes on in the same descriptive vein for a paragraph , then stops herself with an abrupt exclamation of ‘ No , he would n't say all that ’ ( 54 ) , whereupon she starts again in more concise fashion .
27 But such criticisms were rebutted this week by Selina herself with the simple argument that whatever her talents are , one of them lies in getting people to watch her on the television .
28 Mother looked at them , shook her head and sighed , then advising Etty to rinse herself with the warm water , she turned , stood up , and moved towards the door , unaware that her apron-strings were entangled with a handle of the zinc-tub …
29 But Borssele has not simply contented herself with the odd leak .
30 While Cleo and Dauntless tried to arrange themselves comfortably upon the sacking — which smelled malodorous in the extreme , as if the dogs had been using it as a toilet Apanage busied herself with the ghost-bagging equipment .
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