Example sentences of "herself in [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My aunt in America sent us a photo of herself in a black dress after Grandad died and it was very plain .
2 Melanie experimentally walked into it and pulled the door to on herself in a cool smell of cheese and mildew .
3 Wrapping her arms round herself in a futile attempt to retain some body-heat , she began the long walk back to the cottage .
4 Anna looked at Peter again and said to herself in a guilty whisper , ‘ Will he become even more difficult ? ’
5 Benny found herself in a rock-walled tunnel , with bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling at regular intervals .
6 Alice in Wonderland is a text adventure game based on the very famous story 2f a young girl who finds herself in a strange land full of strange creatures and strange places .
7 Once she suddenly landed up in hospital for what was not an emergency ; several times she had found herself in a new home ; and on one occasion she had arrived in another country with a new ‘ father ’ — all without warning or previous explanation .
8 She wanted only to rid herself of the blocks Ewan had inflicted on her and lose herself in a new future .
9 " And what next ? " she asked herself in a low voice .
10 But so much of her attention was now centred on her own immediate steps that she had no leisure to orientate herself in a wider field .
11 Instead , Murray will find herself in a 12-runner final , with only four adversaries likely to bar her path to gold — the Netherlands ' Elly Van Hulst , Romanian Margareta Keszeg , American Lynn Jennings and Russian Olga Kovpotina. — PA .
12 The walk took only ten minutes and this allowed her two glorious hours sitting quietly by herself in a cosy corner devouring one book after another .
13 She did not want to find herself in a hierarchical situation in relation to others at work , thereby creating false barriers and reinforcing the capitalist class structure .
14 An elderly woman came in , seated herself in a rear pew and clasped her hands in prayer .
15 Damn Julius ! she muttered to herself in a great surge of resentment .
16 When she emerged , she found herself in a small square beside a canal so wide that she immediately realised it must be the Grand Canal itself .
17 The simple act of losing herself in a live stage performance seemed impossible , when all she could think of was the sheer heaven of spending time alone with Guy again .
18 ‘ I was only thinking about you the other day , David , ’ said his grandmother , settling herself in a high-backed chair , her feet planted firmly on the floral Axminster carpet .
19 She was endeavouring to find her way to the courtyard when , reaching the end of one of the wide corridors , she found herself in a long gallery lined with portraits .
20 She caught sight of herself in a long gilt mirror and smoothed her fair hair .
21 She scuttled through the door and found herself in a long drawing-room choked with old-fashioned furniture .
22 Kim soon found herself in a tiny tenement flat .
23 She had a head of flowing auburn hair and carried herself in a self-possessed manner touching on the arrogant .
24 ‘ Absolutely , ’ she said with feeling , dispelling a pang of guilt with the observation that she was certainly not presenting herself in a flattering light .
25 Lissa drew her robe around herself in a protective gesture , her mind frozen over like a bleak winter landscape .
26 Elizabeth of Spalbeck imitated the Passion of Christ at the Canonical Hours : at Matins , beating herself as she remembered Christ being taken with swords and staves ; at Prime , walking with arms twisted behind her back like a bound thief to commemorate Christ being led from Caiaphas to Pilate and then Herod ; at Sext , None and Evensong , stretching herself in a cruciform posture .
27 Rose ignored her , keeping her eyes on the rattling carriage , holding herself in a permanent half crouch , like a sprinter at the starting post .
28 One morning , Clare found herself in a rumpled bed in a strange bedroom with only sixpence in her purse — not enough to get to work .
29 Once she allowed herself to stray away from the main concourse , lured by the strains of a string quartet , to find herself in a large square dominated by a giant plane tree .
30 Opening it , she found herself in a large room in which row upon row of men sat behind video screens .
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