Example sentences of "herself [prep] an [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had never thought of herself as an indecisive person , but now she did n't know whether she wanted the time to pass quickly , or whether she wanted to guard jealously the hours left to her of Fen 's company .
2 But her value in his eyes was that she was his son 's future bride , through whom he would control Scotland ; he did not envisage her doing so herself as an individual monarch , and the secret agreements she made just before her marriage show how far she agreed with him .
3 She saw herself as an unlikeable person .
4 The gains would far outweigh the losses , provided Britain made full use of all her bargaining strength , and offered herself as an equal partner and not as a beggar .
5 For Dorothea suddenly saw herself as an old woman badgering a friend into giving up her time and company , and , self-sufficient as she had always been , the picture repelled her .
6 Finally , there was Miss Marita Calagarri , who described herself as an unemployed ship 's cook .
7 ‘ Does n't it disgust you to be lying around at home while your child works herself into an early grave ? ’
8 Patrick did n't need to be a doctor to know that his mother was drinking herself into an early grave .
9 She had to seduce Jim by whipping off a false beard disguise and transforming herself into an exotic belly-dancer .
10 This time she was able to trap the playful retort before it made it from her mind to her mouth , managing to content herself with an indifferent lift of the shoulders .
11 Shiona smiled to herself with an uneasy kind of pleasure .
12 When it comes to her imagined transcriptions of Jip 's diary , she goes on in the same descriptive vein for a paragraph , then stops herself with an abrupt exclamation of ‘ No , he would n't say all that ’ ( 54 ) , whereupon she starts again in more concise fashion .
13 More usually it left him ashamed and angry , despite his wife 's kind words of consolation , and Ashi herself in an agitated state of dissatisfaction and unhappiness .
14 Although she did not deny that he was handsome and in many ways attractive , she could not envisage herself in an intimate relationship with him .
15 Grasping her small suitcase in one hand , Gina followed the sign , drawing up with a soft exclamation of pleasure as she found herself in an oblong courtyard surrounded on two sides by what was obviously her hotel , a tall building of nineteenth-century architecture , its red-tiled roof gabled and decorated with iron curlicues , its many-paned white-framed windows set in mellowed red brick reflecting the pale northern sunshine .
16 It had been a silly , spur-of-the-moment impulse to deny it , but by lying to him she 'd put herself in an invidious position .
17 Cautiously she made her way down them and flicked on the light , gasping in appreciation as she found herself in an ultra-modern kitchen .
18 Reviewing Mrs Castle 's diaries for 1964–70 , he observed loftily if accurately , ‘ She was always ‘ dragging ’ herself to an early meeting , ‘ crawling ’ with exhaustion out of Cabinet , and finally ‘ creeping home ’ to a tired bed .
19 It had taken a few days to persuade her ladyship to accept change , for she had for so long been used to living in squalor that she could not at first accustom herself to an altered way of life .
20 A seventeen year old , bright and intelligent enough to put herself on an equal footing with her father .
21 Film stars , such as Marilyn Monroe , are likely candidates , and the pressure of such a role can create unbearable conflict ; Monroe killed herself at an early age and at the height of her popularity .
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