Example sentences of "herself [verb] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At eighteen — the period of the mousseline de soie dress — she had found herself hanging around a certain area of Twickenham , where they were then living , in the hopes of encountering the doctor 's son , with whom she had had a strangled conversation at some social gathering .
2 And would be more so when she could steel herself to pinch out the little chin and make it weak .
3 Sickness rose , vying with the pain , as she found herself piecing together the last few hours of Mark 's life .
4 And perhaps she would be able to let Rose Cottage , while she herself eked out a miserable existence in some dreary bedsit in Axminton .
5 Folly 's enthusiasm took over and she found herself pouring out the whole story .
6 She and Jim talked together secretly about leaving the house and going off to somewhere ‘ more committed ’ , but Phoebe could not bring herself to give up the only home she knew of , could not bring herself to choose absolutely Jim 's commitments over the women 's commitments .
7 Only one binge 11 Decided to allow herself to put on a little weight 12 Gave away ‘ thin ’ clothes and bought new ones .
8 This resentment was strengthened still further in 1898 when as part of the struggle for slices of the Chinese ‘ melon ’ Russia herself took out a twenty-five year lease on the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula .
9 Pat herself felt much the same way about that after Ken 's death .
10 They had known such hunger that even now Olga could not bring herself to throw away a single crumb and always ate whatever was left after a meal .
11 Oh yes , one of the , one of the surprises of this was discovering that in fact one of the people who knew Florence Kelly and indeed worked for her for a while , and who herself set up a minimum wage board in Washington , in the District of Columbia , is indeed still alive , and has very powerful memories of , of both the people and the activities of the movement .
12 She clutched at herself to claw away a sudden pain .
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