Example sentences of "to give [pers pn] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Stapleton told me that he could not allow any other man to give me the money for my divorce , ’ Mrs Lyons said .
2 Right facing this way Simon can you turn round as well please , Robert Right the first game very easy , I 'm going to point to somebody , we 're going to go through the alphabet , they 're going to give me the name of an animal .
3 ‘ Essentially they did n't know me from a hole in the ground when I first approached them and were willing to give me the benefit of the doubt .
4 She thought about that one for a second , then decided to give me the benefit of the doubt .
5 The report , for the local authorities reports mentioned in the committee item is an attempt to give me the subject of car boot sales a fairly wide airing .
6 I got them to give me the number for the cleaners ' mess-room and asked there .
7 ‘ Well , I 'd like you to give me the answer to a question . ’
8 In the same year , 1741 , Christie was also pressing Lord Milton to exert his influence with the colonel of the Highland Regiment ‘ to give me the Cloathing of that Regiment for the incouradgement of our Scots manufactorys … this jobb wou 'd employ many poor familys in the country … ’
9 It 's really rather curious how although David was happy to give me the names of these various lab magazines , lab equipment things , erm , he was very chary of sending me er copy of his own production .
10 If for some reason it is impossible for you to give them the help in the house they need , a Home Help can be provided by the local authority social services department .
11 To give them the benefit of the doubt , this may well be necessitated by their unique position , but at times it appears alarmingly like arrogant behaviour .
12 If teachers do not believe that their pupils are able to be more responsible for their own mathematical learning , then they are not likely to give them the opportunity to be so .
13 separate reports of the views of each of the groups to give them the opportunity for further comment ;
14 And to do it without a lot without a lot of support from the a from the people who actually lived in the flats , although they organized things and got it going , and the people living there did n't seem to be motivated to give them the kind of encouragement erm
15 Were were would you suggest that they have a lot of unresolved feelings about that , or maybe they had emotional scars because no-one was there to give them the kind of hope that might be available now ?
16 The rationale for school self-evaluation is that the most effective means of improving the quality of the education provided by schools is to give them the responsibility for reviewing their own performance and for carrying out any reforms which seem necessary in consequence .
17 It aims to bring the best of Kenya 's young biological scientists and , at a different level , the children from surrounding communities , to a variety of purpose-designed training and educational programmes on site and to give them the experience of seeing wildlife being managed alongside the traditional keeping of domestic stock .
18 Decisions of the court upon the meanings of phrases used in Acts of Parliament may come , in the course of time , to give them the quality of terms of art which Parliament may well be assumed to have intended them to bring with them when used in subsequent legislation .
19 We must allow them to benefit from the presence of the reserves and , where feasible , to give them the use of the products of the wilderness areas without reducing its natural capital .
20 Now Diana wants to give them the sort of holiday she believes young boys should have … not shut up in old castles . ’
21 They might be short of one or two quality players , but in such a yo-yo season Villa have as good a chance as any , particularly if Dalian Atkinson returns from injury to give them the sort of finishing power they lacked last night .
22 South Shields found themselves having to rely on a mix-up in the defence late in the first half to let Gary Davies in to give them the lead at the interval .
23 Father Paddy had rung the previous day to give them the news from Rosstrevor .
24 Fermanagh trailed by two goals at three quarter time but levelled the game again to 12–12 to take them into extra time , and stole the extra goal needed for victory on the whistle winning 16–15 to give them the trophy for the second year .
25 The ship 's doctor tried to give them the kiss of life but they could not be revived .
26 A SURVEY by the St John Ambulance Brigade came up with the remarkably interesting finding that the man most women would prefer to give them the kiss of life , assuming it was necessary or even if it was n't , would be TV doctor Hilary Jones .
27 I want her to give you the name of the man responsible . ’
28 He leaned forward as if he meant to kiss her and then said in a low voice , ‘ I 'm going to give you the name of a first-rate lawyer . ’
29 The only thing we ca n't do , is under Community Organisation Eight , to give you the name of the representative of organisation development .
30 Well I 'd be happy to give you the name of the particular one but I do n't know whether it applies to the young .
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