Example sentences of "about [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where we should expect to match France and Germany for industrial growth , we are about to fall below the levels of Greece and Portugal ’ .
2 For at seven o'clock in the morning of 20 August in that year , the inscription has it , just as the citadel was about to fall to the besiegers , a white cross was seen in the sky ‘ above and to the right of the town ’ , which then became a crucifix whose crown turned encouragingly ( for the French ) into a royal fleur-de-lis .
3 Many of the Moslem kings now came forward with tributes and it seemed , briefly , that most of Moorish Spain was about to fall to the Christians .
4 I 'll get pictures of Mrs. just about to fall in the sea or something
5 He is about to perform for the Archimage himself .
6 I am about to retire to the breakfast parlour with Mr Beckenham and Miss Merchiston .
7 She turned away and was about to swing into the jeep when he strode forward and barred her way with the racket across the open doorway .
8 What the pair of county ladies thought of its mid-thigh hemline Harry could not imagine , but he for one was not about to object to the brush of her black-stockinged knees against his drab-trousered legs .
9 As Flavia was about to trot down the drive she told herself , The world is not full of bugbears .
10 The boys were about to go into the building again after their first successful looting when suddenly somebody shouted : ‘ I Tedeschi , i Tedeschi arrivano ! ’
11 Right , well I suppose the big sporting story of the evening has to be the boxing ; George Forman , who 's forty-one is about to go into the ring in er London 's Docklands arena .
12 He really looked so absurdly young and guileless , so like a starry-eyed subaltern about to go over the top into the machine-guns of the Somme , that Maxim almost answered .
13 ‘ What height is this table ? ’ he said suddenly , just as I was about to go to the breadbin for a slice to wipe my plate with .
14 Last time I was on the list I was about to go to the Norwich and Liverpool games — well at least I saw plenty of goals ! !
15 Malcolm was about to go to the States .
16 If a person were to announce to a policeman that he was about to go to the house of his sworn enemy and beat the living daylights out of him , it would not make sense if the law were that the policeman had to follow the suspect to the locus in quo and only then arrest him .
17 I mean you know well is probably just about to become a member of our flight I mean he 's going through he 's just about to go to the R A F College in Cranwell
18 I arrived at Salisbury Cathedral , just as the bride was about to go up the aisle .
19 It was about sex — not about sexual politics — but another show was about to go on the road , and Oz had got there first .
20 The soundtrack is industrial dance , the punters the kind of alternative/college crowd who presumably are about to go for The Shamen in a big way .
21 A special accolade for Stefan , that prodigy of a man who virtually single-handed got everything together on time , and then , just as he was about to go through the orchestra door he saw Madge Grimsilk , the headdress of a rat under her arm , hurrying up to the wings .
22 He looked around and saw Pete about to go out the door .
23 ‘ It 's all very exciting for me at the moment , here I am about to go around the world for the first time , seeing cities like New York , which I have always dreamed of seeing .
24 She was about to go round the back when the casement on the ground floor creaked open and an ample hand appeared followed by a full face , framed by thick straight grey hair , secured with a slide .
25 In general the move towards wage supplementation in the rural South and East enabled the old Poor Law just about to cope with the problem of subsisting the poor in a period of unprecedentedly high bread prices , during which some years can only be described as desperate .
26 Mr Deputy Speaker I 'm just about to come on the South Wales police but I will answer the point directly , er I and my honourable friend the parliamentary secretary are always willing to discuss with local government , matters relating to local government finance and we have done so over the months leading up to this settlement and my honourable and right honourable friends in the Home Office are always willing to discuss matters on the police er where they are important and warrant a ministerial meeting and that again has happened recently with the Home Office min minister discussing this very issue .
27 ‘ As I was about to come on the ref told me , ‘ I 'll be watching you closely .
28 A NEW material that could replace asbestos , silica or ceramic fibre based products is about to come on the market .
29 Wales was once known as a fly-half factory , but since Jonathan Davies went North there has been not a single successor of world class selected for the national team and at the moment the signs are not good that one is about to come off the production like .
30 That book of his has been finished some time , by the way , and is about to appear in the bookshops .
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