Example sentences of "to give you the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the inch wars , Ryvita helps you win — so goes the old advert punch line , but which of the two main Graphical User Interfaces is likely to be the one to give you the best operating environment ?
2 Because they are required by law to give you the best investment advice , and unless they find out your personal details they ca n't do that .
3 To give you the total reckoning of it : it is the busy man 's recreation , the idle man 's business , the melancholy man 's sanctuary , the stranger 's welcome , the Inns of Court man 's entertainment , the scholar 's kindness and the citizen 's courtesy .
4 This state-of-the-art shaver has three positions to give you the perfect shave and a trimmer for those with sideburns and/or moustache .
5 The reason for this advice is that , if you go wrong but the examiner can identify the stage at which you have gone wrong , he is able to give you the appropriate credit .
6 In this case you subtract a total of six from the eighty to give you the correct total of 74 .
7 If you 're the first correct entry out of the hat we 'll be straight on the phone to give you the good news and arrange the presentation .
8 Having reached his destination , he remembered the message that he had been asked to give to his hostess : ‘ I travelled down with an uncle of yours and he told me to give you the following message , ’ he said .
9 If you persist in interrupting me , it is unlikely in the extreme that I will have sufficient time to give you the complete picture which you say you are so anxious to get !
10 It 's just that we 've received soooooo many queries asking ‘ when ’ , ‘ who ’ and ‘ … how much ’ that we 've decided to give you the full story here ( maybe NOW you 'll stop inundating us with begging letters ! )
11 Spend your time in the way that is likely to give you the maximum return in marks .
12 We plan our holidays to give you the maximum enjoyment .
13 Your COSMOS FUNBREAK holiday is carefully planned to give you the maximum time spent at the EURO DISNEYLAND Theme Park , whilst your travel and accommodation arrangements have been sensibly selected to combine comfort and convenience at truly low prices .
14 Monitor evaluator to actually check and to give you the pessimistic side of everything to break everything down why it wo n't work why this should be done why that should be done instead .
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