Example sentences of "saw in the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A Convention , similar to that in England , which met in Edinburgh on 14 March 1689 , eventually decided to offer William the throne , though many Scots , especially the chieftains in the Highlands where the old religion remained strong , still regarded James II as their king , and others , not necessarily Catholic , saw in the dispossessed Stuarts the best hope of regaining Scotland 's lost independence .
2 Some , like Jerome 's enemy Jovinian , saw in the ascetic movement a chasm opening within the church between an élite of the perfect and the ordinary faithful .
3 The men of the town carried long walking sticks of the sort one saw in the ancient temple reliefs .
4 Many of the prominent afrancesados were cultured bureaucrats who saw in the Napoleonic system a hope of ordered regeneration by modern laws and administrative practices .
5 It 's against the system in Continental Europe , it 's against the system I saw in the occupied West Bank when I went out with the police last year and what I saw in South Africa a fortnight ago when I went out w with the police there i i i into the shanty towns and so on .
6 The sun was high and bright as he dropped gently out of the hills towards the vale , faintly misted with vapour , and saw in the far distance before him the mole-hill of Ruthyn , hunched and veiled in the smoke of its house-fires , a delicate blue flower in the sparkling folded green , with the giant hogback of Moel Famau towering beyond .
7 However , as we saw in the final sections of that chapter , a consideration of single word identification leads naturally to a consideration of the larger linguistic units in which words normally occur ; and hence we concluded the previous chapter with a discussion of contextual effects on visual and auditory word recognition .
8 When 1951 ended he could justifiably let rip in more frivolous fashion on ‘ Huntin' , Shootin' and Fishin' ’ decorations for the Chelsea Arts Ball at which he saw in the new year .
9 In fact , for a time he saw in the New Order in France a possible source of ideas which he could implement in the construction of his New Order ( Nizam-i Cedit ) in Turkey .
10 Cos it 's sad in my opinion that going back to where we were several months ago because we set out out to attracting higher quality people paying them more money and we 've come back again to basically seeing the people who we saw in the first instance
11 As we saw in the first chapter , an adult with this sort of emotional history finds it very hard to deal with separation of any sort .
12 We saw in the first chapter how we can understand more about ourselves according to our type of personality .
13 I remember we saw in the other shop It happened again .
14 It 's been known for a very long time that from these cases you can isolate this organism C diphtheria bacterium which you saw in the practical classes and has this distinctive stayed property where er certain granules can be stayed up and also the arrangement of the cells is rather reminiscent of what called Chinese lettering .
15 The Slavs were mainly adherents of the Orthodox Church , and many of the Slav clergy saw in the Russian Church an ally in the struggle against the Phanariot Greek clergy , backed by the sultan , who wished to remove Slav influences both from the liturgy and from the administration of the Church .
16 She ripped away her scarf and he saw in the uncertain light the marks about her throat .
17 I have for a long time been suspicious of the doctrine of gradualism in politics and the foibles of the Foreign Office , which uses the double-speak of diplomacy , as I saw in the Anglo-Irish diktat and now smell in Maastricht .
18 This effort , as far as the administrative machinery was concerned , was initiated by the French advisers who came to Spain in the early years of the century with the first Bourbon king , Philip V ; later it was encouraged by Choiseul , who saw in the effective mobilization of the resources of his ally the means to defeat England and lay the foundations of a Franco-Spanish world power .
19 This is why Springboks these days come from only these six unions , as we saw in the recent internationals .
20 ON JUNE 2nd the queen saw in the 40th anniversary of her coronation .
21 Keats , as we saw in the preceding section , concluded with the same emphasis .
22 As we saw in the last chapter , the operation of discretion by the police is a particular fascination in the sociology of policing , but discretion is often viewed narrowly in terms of law : whether the police apply or omit the letter of the law .
23 As we saw in the last chapter , Hooke 's law is really only true for small strains and at large strains the interatomic force curve bends over so that the strain energy is less than we have calculated , very roughly about half .
24 A further 44 per cent of all elderly people live only with a spouse and , as we saw in the last chapter , only about 14 per cent are living with others- ‘ non-spouses ’ .
25 As we saw in the last chapter , he , too , believed in the possibility of an objective category of crime which was not necessarily the same as that defined by the existing criminal law , and its source — the reason of the ‘ few thinking men in every nation ’ seems just as elitist and potentially authoritarian .
26 Indeed , as we also saw in the last chapter , one recent writer ( Jenkins , 1984 ) portrays Beccaria 's postponement of the positivist revolution as being anti-radical and supportive of existing authoritarian rulers .
27 By itself this association between earnings and company size is not unique to Japan , but as we saw in the last chapter the number of workers affected is greater .
28 But , as we saw in the last chapter , there may be reasons to reject this analysis of causation in favour of the one involving real connections or causal powers or both .
29 As we saw in the last chapter , a study in William Dement 's laboratory verified that external stimuli could indeed be incorporated into dreams during REM sleep .
30 This hierarchy within physics was , as we saw in the last chapter , also noted by Becher ( 1984 ) , in his examination of the ‘ culture ’ of disciplines .
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