Example sentences of "saw as the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But he was equally unhappy with the typical alternative , with what he saw as the uneasy combination of materialism and immaterialism .
2 This Barth saw as the irreplaceable basis of Christian theology ; and , he insisted , once it had been recognised , there could be no possible reason for casting around in other directions , and certainly not for turning theology back into the contemplation of our own spiritual navels , or for blunting the challenge and promise of the gospel by seeking to reinterpret or ‘ improve ’ it in the terms of some alternative ( and therefore competing ) theological or philosophical frame of reference .
3 When he looked back upon his short time at the Choir School of King 's College , it was the meeting with Milner-White which he saw as the memorable gift from the school .
4 The Mayor of Casterbridge ( 1886 ) and the The Woodlanders ( 1887 ) marked first his literary return to Wessex and then his growing conviction that fiction should not conceal what he saw as the essential tragedy of the human condition .
5 Social liberals , like Booth and Rowntree , and Fabians , like Sydney and Beatrice Webb , may have differed in their views on the extent and the permanence of the provision of state welfare that they advocated , but shared an interest in what they saw as the factual demonstration of the extent of poverty which existed in what was still regarded as the major industrial and political power .
6 ‘ Progressive ’ educational sentiments also provided important elements in Baden-Powell 's Boy Scout philosophy , and he never tired of criticising what he saw as the dulling conformity and uninspired education provided by the State .
7 Figures 2.1 and 2.2 remind us that this was also an era of sporadic , but vicious , feuds between whites and what they saw as the invading blacks .
8 It was the House of Commons , and the Cabinet and the Prime Minister that came from the Commons , that Bagehot saw as the efficient working parts of the Constitution as these got on with the job of actually running the show .
9 Puritan polemicists frequently scoffed at what they saw as the uninformed nature of this mainstream spirituality .
10 However , they felt frustrated by teaching in a comprehensive school rather than a selective school and by what they saw as the poor quality of the pupils .
11 She discussed in this context who she saw as the twentieth century 's two most influential analysts of theatre : Brecht and Antonin Artaud .
12 Strong trade unions , especially in the public sector , had successfully resisted attacks on the Welfare State in the past , and so needed to be defeated if the Tories ’ solution to what they saw as the major problem — inflation — were to be successful .
13 I recently asked eleven experts on RE from widely differing backgrounds what they each saw as the major priority for RE .
14 The intellectuals of the Enlightenment showed , in general , remarkably little interest in the structure of government provided it was pursuing what they saw as the correct policies , those directed towards greater tolerance and efficiency and the happiness and welfare of mankind as a whole .
15 In his specially-commissioned report , Dr Lyons pinpointed what he saw as the four factors leading to his suicide .
16 President Reagan came to power with greater hostility for the Soviets than any of his predecessors , and he quickly reached an understanding with Israel concerning those it saw as the Soviet Union 's regional proxies , Syria and the PLO .
17 O'Neill made an impassioned defence of his policies on television and appealed for support for what he saw as the only course that could save Ulster from deepening civil unrest .
18 Western liberals and the Left once again found their credulity stretched in defence of the one state which most of them saw as the only bulwark against Nazi Germany .
19 These , rather than private insurance or public ‘ welfare ’ , they saw as the real key to diminishing poverty .
20 I am so jealous and protective of her , ’ but , close as she was to Louise , she could n't bring herself to admit what she saw as the black depths of her failure with her daughter .
21 Thus Attoh Ahuma ( who was also known as a clergyman , the Revd S.R.B. Solomon ) joined with another local churchman , the Revd Eggijir Assam , to launch the Gold Coast Aborigine , in which they promised to redress what they saw as the colonial imbalance in the education of local Africans :
22 It shows what they saw as the moral careers of ‘ successful ’ and ‘ unsuccessful ’ immigrant and the spatial progress from back region to front regions which is bound up with these careers .
23 This would be signified by the defeat of Saladin , whom Joachim saw as the current Antichrist .
24 In any case , the language coming from the Chairman 's office was usually that of pure political correctness , with many attacks on censorship and on what he saw as the benighted enemies of art .
25 Another important aspect of Marx 's notion of the Asiatic mode of production is that it offers an explanation of what he saw as the surprising stability of Asian states .
26 The Guinness takeover of Distillers is studied , not just as an example of a keenly contested takeover , but also as it demonstrated what many saw as the unacceptable sides of takeover activity and the City of London .
27 Perhaps the most important evidence adduced for Maxse 's radical right outlook is the fact that he tended to lapse into what Richard Hofstadter saw as the chief characteristic of such politics , namely a ‘ paranoid style ’ .
28 Then , at the beginning of September , Prime Minister Giral was forced to resign by intense pressure from the Socialist and Communist Parties , whose leaders bitterly criticized what they saw as the Left Republicans ' incompetent handling of the Republican war effort , accusing them of having lost control of the situation .
29 Amanullah had been influenced by what he saw as the modernising reforms introduced in Turkey and Iran : he tried to build up a central army , organised a parliament , and decreed that women should wear western dress : the final straw for the tribes came when he made their leaders listen to a five-day speech .
30 Liebowitz and Horowitz were primarily concerned with attacking what they saw as the myopic perspectives of politics and the sociology of deviance , but the clear implication of their convergence thesis was that conventional deviance and leftist political struggle were slowly but surely converging .
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