Example sentences of "saw [pron] as the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Royalists ( Chetniks ) under Mihailovitch had played a major part in anti-German resistance through much of the war , although increasingly they had been in direct conflict with Tito 's partisans , who saw them as the main enemy in establishing a Communist post-war Yugoslavia , and this had also led to them acting on occasion in concert with German forces .
2 I bet you never saw me as the faithful little wife .
3 Nehru saw himself as the central figure ; the veteran of the fight against colonialism and the apostle of non-alignment .
4 He saw himself as the only point of free will in the landscape before him , and if he could move his body with a purpose , then his mind would shake off the slough of misery and clear for action .
5 Franco , however , would not delegate because he saw himself as the only person capable of carrying out the mission of maintaining a united Spain .
6 He saw himself as the political leader of the Evangelicals , but in reality his views were too extreme and his style too combative for him to command general support .
7 It means that Paul VI saw himself as the true heir of Pope John — but of a very different Pope John from the version usually presented to the public .
8 Those who assumed that the cottage was owned by him , not her , saw her as the unmarried sister , dependent on him for houseroom , companionship , a purpose in life .
9 His departure was initially greeted with euphoria by sacked workers who saw him as the major stumbling block to a negotiated settlement of the bitter dispute , Britain 's worst industrial confrontation since the 1980s .
10 It became clear to me at Blackpool that there was considerable support for Alec , partly because he made a good speech on foreign policy , partly because he took the chair at my meeting in his capacity as President of the National Union , and partly because of lobbying by back-benchers who saw him as the best compromise candidate .
11 Craig proposed an emergency voluntary coalition with the SDLP because he saw it as the only way in which some sort of devolved government could be maintained .
12 He saw it as the only realistic long term solution to Selborne 's dilemma .
13 And these opportunities were very considerable ; later generations might see the eighteenth-century empire as a monument to the constrictions of mercantilism , but at the time people saw it as the largest area of unrestricted trade in the world and it offered excellent prospects for men like the sugar and tobacco merchants of Glasgow .
14 His defenders saw it as efficiency , his detractors saw it as the uncaring side of Graeme Souness .
15 Civil rights , the Black problem , race relations , the inequality of blacks in American life — whatever form of words was used to describe this issue , most Americans of the middle years of the 20th century saw it as the gravest problem facing them at home .
16 The delegates , again often chosen by public meetings , saw themselves as the aroused mass of principled antislavery , cutting across the political and religious differences of their communities .
17 The Communists saw themselves as the only alternative to the Labour , Liberal and Conservative Parties .
18 The magnates saw themselves as the natural counsellors of the king , and argued in the Boulogne agreement and in the petition against the Despensers that they had a duty to act to protect the realm if the king was being led by unwise counsel .
19 Indeed there is no doubt that in overthrowing capitalism , and seeing it as the source of all modern evils , the Soviets saw themselves as the true heirs of the Enlightenment .
20 Further attempts at fostering were not tried , and the residential workers saw themselves as the main people in Michael 's life .
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