Example sentences of "saw [pron] as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Royalists ( Chetniks ) under Mihailovitch had played a major part in anti-German resistance through much of the war , although increasingly they had been in direct conflict with Tito 's partisans , who saw them as the main enemy in establishing a Communist post-war Yugoslavia , and this had also led to them acting on occasion in concert with German forces .
2 Such organizations are usually referred to as bureaucracies and much contemporary analysis is derived from the work of the German sociologist Max Weber , who saw them as an essential element of contemporary capitalism .
3 ‘ To see if you really feared me , if you truly saw me as a shady villain !
4 I bet you never saw me as the faithful little wife .
5 He saw himself as a courtier only by profession and hated to find himself succumbing already to the sycophantic atmosphere of the Palace offices .
6 He saw himself as a great , strong animal who could always protect his girl .
7 Whereas in Northamptonshire the tutor-organiser saw himself as a professional liaising with other professionals in areas where voluntary participation was barely appropriate , his colleague in Essex was apparently expected to spend a lot of time in routine organising work which voluntary members could readily take over when she eventually resigned .
8 He saw himself as a good Art teacher :
9 Worse , although Thornton knew that Hayling saw himself as a potential chief executive , he demanded that the business side of the paper be immediately put under the direction of ‘ an upfront businessman with a solid track record ’ .
10 He saw himself as a wise and benign deity , presiding over his kingdom and seeing to it that evil did not always prevail ; a hollow symbolism of course and anyway he rather liked hemp agrimony and ground ivy .
11 Schoenberg was a great admirer of Brahm 's music , and saw himself as a natural successor to the German romantic school .
12 Hagen 's iconoclasm was for his own benefit ; he never saw himself as a social campaigner on behalf of his fellow professionals .
13 Nehru saw himself as the central figure ; the veteran of the fight against colonialism and the apostle of non-alignment .
14 He saw himself as the only point of free will in the landscape before him , and if he could move his body with a purpose , then his mind would shake off the slough of misery and clear for action .
15 Franco , however , would not delegate because he saw himself as the only person capable of carrying out the mission of maintaining a united Spain .
16 He saw himself as the political leader of the Evangelicals , but in reality his views were too extreme and his style too combative for him to command general support .
17 It means that Paul VI saw himself as the true heir of Pope John — but of a very different Pope John from the version usually presented to the public .
18 It was perhaps typical of du Cann , who saw himself as an archetypal operator , that he should try to do both simultaneously .
19 The CLB , founded by W. M. Gee , an ex-Volunteer officer and secretary of the Junior Branch of the Church of England Temperance Society , saw itself as an Anglican institution for the ‘ care and training of lads in Religion , Morals and Physique ’ during the important years prior to manhood .
20 Given its origins , the NUR saw itself as an industrial union ; originally it organized most groups of BR workers , and it continues to be recognized by BR as representing all grades of staff other than management .
21 She saw herself as an unlikeable person .
22 For Dorothea suddenly saw herself as an old woman badgering a friend into giving up her time and company , and , self-sufficient as she had always been , the picture repelled her .
23 Claire saw her as a red blur through the tears .
24 Perhaps if he fancied Perdita he saw her as a potential mother-in-law .
25 Any smoothy who saw her as a soft touch was in for a shock .
26 Earning the obedience and respect of the women in the house , who saw her as no better than they were , was yet another obstacle .
27 Those who assumed that the cottage was owned by him , not her , saw her as the unmarried sister , dependent on him for houseroom , companionship , a purpose in life .
28 Encouraged by friends who saw him as a Nonconformist Lord Hugh Cecil ( later Baron Quickswood , q.v . ) ,
29 To the distress of his family he rejected the Unitarian name in later life but not the ministerial title , though others , as he admits , ‘ only saw him as a Unitarian minister ’ .
30 ‘ I could n't believe he drugged me because I saw him as a caring person , he had got me into his confidence .
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