Example sentences of "saw [pron] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You saw my work in Pookie , John .
2 For the first and last time in my life I saw my father in tears .
3 ‘ Friday : Anyone who saw my appearance on Wogan that week could be forgiven for thinking I was serenely confident , chic-ly gowned and nicely made-up .
4 What I do n't like is that we went back did n't we , I do n't know if you saw my thing to David where we report back on a fax , report every month
5 I saw my world in space , all green and beautiful .
6 Ruby saw her chance of publicity disappearing .
7 Millions of TV viewers saw her gasp with surprise when Richard Madeley handed over the documents as a gift from ITV 's Richard and Judy Show .
8 In previous relationships it had always been Lotta who had moved on to better things ; she 'd never been rejected before and she felt angry and humiliated , particularly as she saw her standard of living about to fall . ’
9 He saw her expression of surprise as she noticed the automatic gripped in his hand .
10 He saw her look of dismay and added , ‘ But do n't worry , the canals are OK — you 'll still get your gondola ride . ’
11 And when he saw her look of consternation he added , ‘ But no worry — we ‘ ave plenty ‘ ere . ’
12 Suddenly , from the threshold of the room , Katherine saw her mother through Thomas 's eyes .
13 She became close to both women and , although she still saw her mother from time to time and still has a very strong relationship with her that has not been diminished by the divorce , a special bond was forged with the two older women .
14 He expected to be patronized by Lady Grubb because he came from a lower class , about which he did n't generally care tuppence , but when he saw her effect on Algy he found it more difficult than usual to be ribald about it .
15 He saw her glance at Ludovico da Bologna whom , of course , she had met in Rhodes , and further back , in the snow with Carlotta .
16 She was not going to start lecturing him now and , in any case , insisted that she never saw her role in life as a reformer .
17 In a turnout of over 80 per cent of the 29,900,000 registered voters , the DYP won 27 per cent and secured 178 seats in the 450-seat Grand National Assembly , while the ANAP won 24 per cent but saw its share of seats fall from 275 to 115 .
18 saw their proportion of income fall relative to that top one fifth ?
19 Many Scottish freeholders were involved in colonial trade and the plantation economy of the West Indies and , as might be expected , they saw their member of parliament 's influence in London as a route to obtaining the advantages which they desired in the colonies .
20 Eliot returned to the Russian Ballet in 1919 , and in 1921 saw their dancing in terms of vegetation rites and primitive ceremonies , but that dancing contained only marginal interest because not linked to the modernity of Stravinsky 's music .
21 The precise nature of the relations between adult education institutions and organised labour has always been problematic , and usually unsatisfactory , but that there should be a close and organic relationship was never questioned by adult educators who saw their work as part of a broader movement towards social emancipation and change .
22 In the French election in March , though the Socialists saw their share of seats in parliament collapse , their share of the popular vote hardly budged .
23 Rather than any physically deterministic or geological reasons , we need to consider the social and religious organisation of the original settlers , their technological capability ( i.e. what tools and techniques they had knowledge of ) and whether , like us , they saw their economy in terms of least effort/cost-benefit or whether some aesthetic or non-practical consideration was equally important .
24 It is important to note that in 1912–14 the protestant — loyalist group saw their right to violence as prior to that of the official state .
25 The malcontent generals saw their role as leaders of this counter revolution which would save the nation and end the war .
26 Jones , still only 30 , already had a reputation as an experienced seaman and he began his new career by capturing several British ships in the Irish Sea , but his announcement that he intended to raid Whitehaven in Cumberland and burn the vessels moored there nearly provoked a mutiny , for his crew , already disgruntled that so many ships had been sunk instead of seized , saw their prospect of prize money once again going up in smoke .
27 He saw their referral of cases to the SMG as a further way of undermining him , and he was determined to fight back .
28 Erm , I mean , he wrote a lot , I saw him church on Sunday and I did thank him for the letter
29 Despite his much publicised jogging regime , Clinton is clearly overweight , a problem caused by his addiction to junk food which saw him balloon by 25lbs this year .
30 But Rodrigo had made many enemies , both among the disgraced followers of the murdered Sancho ( who saw his change of allegiances as disaster ) and those at the court of Alfonso ( who saw his rise as a threat ) .
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