Example sentences of "take [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the considered opinion of many experts this poor relation of the industry will probably take 80% of the market by volume .
2 If Britain 's performance since the war has been worse than that of many of her competitors , then the Crown must take part of the blame .
3 Workplace stress is on the increase , and ironically it 's now being widely recognized that companies own efforts to cut staff and become leaner and fitter , must take part of the blame .
4 Five forwards — Peter Wright , Kenny Milne , Paul Burnell , Andy Reed and Damian Cronin — will also take part on the 13-game tour .
5 He must not take part in the consideration or discussion of the matter or vote upon it .
6 Children should experiment , for example , with dramatic improvisations of the stories they read and write ; they should experience and take part in the performance of poetry ; they should listen critically to radio plays .
7 Hannah 's grandfather , James Hauxwell , was invariably invited although he did n't take part in the drive .
8 To do this we need to be alert to the processes going on within society and the economy , what range of alternatives is available , who can and should take part in the decision-making process , and what the effects of the various possible outcomes might be .
9 They shall take part in the development of co-ordinated strategies and concepts for an environmental policy that crosses state borders in an international and in particular in a European framework .
10 Chris said one of the biggest failings was that parents did not take part in the education of the children , this is where it fell down , that , once the education was seen as a government thing that
11 so when they wanted to , to , to have a discipline in the home , they could n't have it , because they did n't take part in the education and then
12 The Coordinator of WACC 's programmes in Asia , Dr Pradip Thomas , and the Director of Studies and Publications , Dr Michael Traber , will take part in the event .
13 A journalist , for example , or a first aid attendant , or a person acting as an ‘ observer ’ for an organisation such as the N.C.C.L. does not really take part in the event itself , although he may occasionally make the police task of keeping order more difficult .
14 But no They did n't take part in the event really .
15 Four ‘ Grads ’ teams , spanning a twenty-year period , will take part in the event which is scheduled for the Queen 's Playing Fields at Upper Malone on Saturday ( 12.00 ) .
16 Their two-person craft , built and designed by engineering students at Southampton University , will take part in the event off the coast of Florida from June 15 to 26 .
17 The officer in charge of the militia refused to let his men take part in the eviction , saying they were there merely to prevent disorder .
18 In this decade of evangelisation it is important for the Church to ‘ teach publicly on moral issues and for its lay members to become more involved in the social and political life of the country … that all members of the Church should take part in the Church 's mission of bringing Christ to the world . ’
19 So , for example , s 24 assumes that all partners may take part in the management of the business , that no person can be introduced as a partner without the consent of all the existing ones , that all the partners are entitled to share equally in the capital and profits of the business and must contribute equally towards the losses sustained by the firm .
20 ( 5 ) Every partner may take part in the management of the partnership business .
21 Subject to the contrary agreement of the partners : ( 5 ) Every partner may take part in the management of the partnership business ( 7 ) No partner may be introduced as a partner without the consent of all existing partners ( 8 ) Any difference arising as to ordinary matters connected with the partnership business may be decided by a majority of the partners , but no change may be made in the nature of the partnership business without the consent of all existing partners It is obvious enough that if a partner is to be held responsible for the acts of his co-partners committed in the name of the firm he should in principle have : ( 1 ) unrestricted access to information about those acts ; ( 2 ) every right , indeed a duty , to assume personal responsibility ( equally with his co-partners ) for the conduct of the firm 's affairs ; and ( 3 ) the right ( by exercise of a veto ) to prevent any act for which he is unwilling to accept liability .
22 Justice David H. Souter , the most recently appointed member of the court , did not take part in the case .
23 It was desirable that the words of the liturgy should be understood by the congregation and that the congregation should take part in the singing .
24 The Conference would wish all who may take part in the referendum to recognize that Protestant Churches are pro-Life but anti-amendment and to query whether they wish a clause in the constitution unacceptable to Protestant churches .
25 Various aspects of the parties ' life , resources , and activities will be helpful to them in the conflict , but many of these are resources and activities that they will have possessed or engaged in or wished to posses or to engage in in any case , even if they did not take part in the contest .
26 He 'll take part in the Group Three World Cup qualifying matches against Lithuania and Latvia .
27 Right will will you take part in the treasure hunt .
28 It is expected to arrive in early September and will take part in the Autumn Steam Gala on Saturday , Sunday , September 26 and 27 together with a selection of Great Western locomotives .
29 Rev Horace Etemesi , Teresita Hermano and Rebecca Rivera of WACC 's General Secretariat will also take part in the Book Fair and seminars .
30 Modern audiences — I can hear Letterman saying this — wo n't go for the idea that Claudia , who is in some senses — although we ‘ re not spelling this out , okay — a new woman , would take part in the killing of lions for a documentary .
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