Example sentences of "person who [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Without looking at Silas , she asked casually , ‘ Is this the person who sent you into the outback — the one who has warped your mind against women in general ? ’
2 ‘ I was told , ’ said Lili , ‘ by the person who told me about this place . ’
3 ( 2 ) Where a document of title to goods has been lawfully transferred to any person as buyer or owner of the goods , and that person transfers the document to a person who takes it in good faith and for valuable consideration , then — ; ( a ) if the last-mentioned transfer was by way of sale the unpaid seller 's right of lien or retention or stoppage in transit is defeated ; and ( b ) if the last-mentioned transfer was made by way of pledge or other disposition for value , the unpaid seller 's right of lien or retention or stoppage in transit can only be exercised subject to the rights of the transferee . ’
4 Subsection ( 5 ) defines ‘ relevant shares ’ as : ‘ shares in the company other than — ( a ) shares which as respects dividends and capital carry a right to participate only up to a specified amount in a distribution , and ( b ) shares which are held by a person who acquired them in pursuance of an employees ’ share scheme or , in the case of shares which have not been allotted , are to be allotted in pursuance of such a scheme . ’
5 And sub-section ( 4 ) defines ‘ relevant employee shares ’ as ‘ shares of the company which would be relevant in it but for the fact that they are held by a person who acquired them in pursuance of an employees ’ share scheme ’
6 Erm we feel rather badly about not returning it to this person who made it for us
7 Appointees have to fill in monstrous forms providing full details of their financial affairs , listing all their jobs , addresses and trips abroad in the past 15 years , and supplying the names of at least one person who knew them in their various abodes .
8 ‘ It 's just that the only person who saw her on Saturday was the Minister — Mr Hawick . ’
9 A warehouseman with whom goods have been deposited is guilty of no conversion by keeping them , or restoring them to the person who deposited them with him , though that person turns out to have had no authority from the true owner . ’
10 If the crank shaft goes on a car after twenty thousand miles , is it a defect — mechanical defect — covered by the guarantee , or was it faulty workmanship by the person who put it into the car ?
11 Alternatively you might like to wait to see the proposal first as she is a most serious person who struck me as a likely author .
12 Right , I was subject to a , an assault that was quite frightening erm in that I was working in a shop on my own and er someone came into the shop and locked the door behind me and tried er to pull me down towards the back of the shop and er apart from being very frightened I find it difficult to accept that I was just an innocent victim , I kept making excuses that this person who did it to me did n't mean to frighten me he , only could n't communicate that he , he , he said it eventually when I managed to fight him off he said , I just wanted to give you a kiss and er I find it very difficult and I had to be forced to go to the police erm to tell them about this because I thought you know its just a misunderstanding and , but it was terrifying
13 I would n't even wish it on the person who did it to Paul . ’
14 Under the general safety requirement , retailers are criminally liable if they knowingly expose an unsafe product for sale , whereas in civil law , under the product liability regime , retailers are liable to third party victims only if they present themselves as the producer or can not identify the person who supplied them with the product .
15 ( d ) The supplier must have failed within a reasonable time of the request , to comply with it or to identify the person who supplied him with the product ( s. 2(3) ( c ) ) .
16 If a newspaper publishes a defamatory statement , it can not shift all the blame to the person who uttered it in the first place .
17 If the product was made in the United States and brought to France before being brought to England , then the person who imported it into France is liable .
18 Even if it is true that policemen require special protection in the course of their duties because of the proactive roles that we expect them to undertake , it does not follow that the person who assaults them without justification should be marked as having committed what is , in reality , an aggravated form of assault .
19 ‘ Michael 's not the sort of person who wants you to be around all the time , ’ she said .
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