Example sentences of "person who have [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The justices found that there had been a breach of the peace before the police arrived , because the mother-in-law of the person who had asked the defendant to leave the swings had been ‘ alarmed ’ by the defendant 's conduct .
2 He could not obtain compensation from the person who had caused the accident and sued his employer for failing to provide insurance or advising him of the need to take out insurance .
3 The correct approach was to ascertain whether the person who had given the land had pointed out clearly what he intended to be done with it .
4 The police were making enquiries and would be pleased to hear from any person who had seen the victim on the night he was murdered .
5 But outside her room , Mildred was just a common frog who had strayed into the school , where it would be unlikely to occur to anyone ( except the wicked person who had done the deed ) that it might be a second-year witch under an enchantment .
6 Joan asked Sunday Life to thank the unknown person who had taken the time to care for her son 's grave .
7 My Lords , I found a very interesting er aspect in the Royal College of Nursing 's review was that resources were not the issue , the Royal College itself came down in favour of the fact that it was management that needed to be tightened up and My Lords it was interesting looking at that survey that it was a telephone survey and in one of the two hospitals er one or two of the hospitals that were rung up , it was quite difficult to find the person who 'd answered the survey .
8 The person who 'd done the old one
9 The difference is that with Compact jobs , a young person who has achieved the Compact goals will be given priority over one who has not .
10 Every young person who has achieved the Compact goals will have an equal chance of securing a Compact job .
11 However , the person who has relayed the information , the tipper , will fall foul of the provisions against counselling or procuring any other person to deal ( s.1(7) ) ( below ) .
12 ‘ Not one person who has met the qualifying standard before the plane takes off for Auckland will be left behind , ’ Hunter said .
13 If anyone makes a mistake , it 's the senior person who has to carry the can . ’
14 If the theory is to exemplify and test holism , the project of discovering whether , or how , it can be applied , is obviously extremely urgent , and among Althusser 's followers , the person who has made the greatest strides in this direction is undoubtedly Nicos Poulantzas .
15 The person to whom the income is payable under the disposition and the person who has made the disposition are to be treated notionally as a single taxpayer .
16 To come within the scope of the law of confidence , the information does not have to be particularly special and , as in the above case , ordinary and mundane information can be the proper subject matter of confidence as long as it is private to the person who has compiled the information , even though others could gather similar information if they took the trouble to do so .
17 Section 5 prevents this practice completely , by providing that avoidance of liability for defective goods caused by negligence of the person involved in their manufacture or distribution can not be excluded by a term or notice in a " guarantee " of goods ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption as against a person who has found the goods to be defective while he was using them , or while they were in his possession , otherwise than exclusively for the purposes of a business .
18 P. W. Conolly , when District Judge at Negombo , wrote that ‘ when parties quarrel and assault each other , it is no uncommon thing for the person who has got the best of the struggle to have an animal brought to the spot , and a charge of cattle stealing is preferred against the unfortunate man who has been assaulted . ’
19 Let me hasten to assure authors Martin Ward and Paul Oldham that there is at least one person who has read the book from cover to cover and though it both clever and hilarious , a beautifully-sustained joke and the most original piece of humorous writing on the fame produced in years .
20 Importers The liability envisaged under s2(2) ( c ) extends to : ( c ) any person who has imported the product into a Member State from a place outside the Member States in order , in the course of any business of his , to supply it to another .
21 There is also no need for a person who has had the HIV antibody test to tell their GP that they have done so , especially if the result was negative .
22 In my judgment , that duty is not discharged by the constable unless he tells the person who has provided the samples of breath of both types of specimen referred to in section [ 7(4) ] .
23 It can not be an informed decision unless the person who has provided the specimens of breath knows that there are two possible specimens which can be substituted for them and has been given the opportunity of making representations as to which of the two types of specimen it should be .
24 There 's a very good example of that in the film you 'll see , where somebody phones up , and does n't quite know who they want to speak to , but they get through to a department , and they say , ‘ Oh , I 've left some money ’ , and the caller immediately , and the person who 's received the call immediately says , ‘ Ah , money ! , you want the treasurers department , I 'll put you through ’ , and before the chap 's had a chance to say , ‘ No , no , no , I really want to speak to you , they 've gone , and they 're back at the switchboard . ’
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