Example sentences of "person who [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The person who sits on the dais in Ottawa or Canberra and goes through the motions of opening a Parliament is not and can not be the same being at all as the person who does these things and has done them from time immemorial at Westminster .
2 He is not the sort of person who sits on the sidelines giving instructions .
3 The 100 goes to the person who sent in the form .
4 SPR originator the name of the person who sent in the SPR .
5 However in the light of the subsequent prosecution appeal to the House of Lords and the doubt discussed above concerning whether the non-certified points of appeal could have been raised there , B's position was tantamount to a person who loses on the one point of appeal judicially addressed and who is given no answer to his remaining points of appeal .
6 ‘ For the purposes of subsection ( 1 ) and without limiting the grounds upon which it may be established that consent to sexual intercourse is vitiated — ; ( a ) a person who consents to sexual intercourse with another person — ; ( i ) under a mistaken belief as to the identity of the other person ; or ( ii ) under a mistaken belief that the other person is married to the person , … shall be deemed not to consent to the sexual intercourse ; ( b ) a person who knows that another person consents to sexual intercourse under a mistaken belief referred to in paragraph ( a ) shall be deemed to know that the other person does not consent to the sexual intercourse ; ( c ) a person who submits to sexual intercourse with another person as a result of threats or terror , whether the threats are against , or the terror is instilled in , the person who submits to the sexual intercourse or any other person , shall be regarded as not consenting to the sexual intercourse ; and ( d ) a person who does not offer actual physical resistance to sexual intercourse shall not , by reason only of that fact , be regarded as consenting to the sexual intercourse . ’
7 If he gives , and intends to give , that power , and the power is exercised , the person who takes under the execution of the power obtains the property , not against , but by the authority of , the original owner , and none the less because the authority was obtained by fraud . ’
8 People will wonder if it is their fault that the person who died in the road traffic accident perhaps was not looking where they were going because of being preoccupied with what was happening just before they left home .
9 My Mum was the only white person who lived in the whole house , a point not unnoticed by me since I often asked her how come she lived there with us when everyone else was black …
10 Leader catechist — the person who presents to the whole group the symbol , the teaching ( catechesis ) of the session , the sacred experience and the Word of God .
11 arrangements with a view to a person who participates in the arrangements buying , selling , subscribing for or underwriting investments .
12 One normally thinks in terms of the 3 year rule as applying to a person who emigrates from the United Kingdom whilst one considers that the 17 year rule is applicable to someone who becomes resident in the United Kingdom whilst retaining his overseas domicile under general principles .
13 Another fairly important change was that a review by a review board should be discontinued if it was established that the inspector 's report did not adversely affect the reputation of the person who applied for the review .
14 Variation and discharge The following may apply for variation or discharge of a s8 order : ( i ) anyone entitled to apply for an order under a s8 order without seeking leave ( see above ) ; ( ii ) the person who applied for the original order ; or ( iii ) in the case of a contact order , the person named in the order .
15 It may be , then , that there is a distinction between the two cases and that , notwithstanding the later doubts expressed in Hills v. Ellis , Willmott v. Atack should be taken to stand for the proposition that a person who interferes with the police intending to help them is not guilty of a wilful obstruction .
16 She , one day she tell me dat she saw a ghost — or somefing like a ghost , a person who come in the house — she tell me she pick up a brick and break i bones — de ting run like she no know what .
17 Registration has to be done very shortly after the death itself , so the person who goes to the office to do this finds himself alongside people who are celebrating the birth of a baby , or registering a marriage .
18 ‘ Could it be the same person who goes to the house to pick up the post ? ’
19 For example if you go on an overland trip trekking in erm South America , you 're clearly looking for something totally different than the person who goes on the sort of typical Club Eighteen to Thirty type holiday .
20 A traveller is any person who calls at the inn to use the services there available .
21 ‘ If , on the application of the Secretary of State , the court is satisfied that a person has entered into any transaction in contravention of section 3 above the court may order that person and any other person who appears to the court to have been knowingly concerned in the contravention to take such steps as the court may direct for restoring the parties to the position in which they were before the transaction was entered into .
22 ‘ If , on the application of the Secretary of State , the court is satisfied that a person has entered into any transaction in contravention of section 3 above the court may order that person and any other person who appears to the court to have been knowingly concerned in the contravention to take such steps as the court may direct for restoring the parties to the position in which they were before the transaction was entered into .
23 1.59 The third ground for defending an application is that the defendant from whom the interim payment is sought is not a person who appears to the court to fall within one of the categories listed in Ord 29 , r11(2) , namely : ( a ) a person who is insured in respect of the plaintiff 's claim ; ( b ) a public authority ; or ( c ) a person whose means and resources are such as to enable him to make the interim payment .
24 A person who knows about the different audio-visual and programmed formats , how they work , how they can be repaired , or what in general they are capable of .
25 The only person who knows about the paintings is Durance himself and he will dismiss Barbara 's story as unfounded speculation . ’
26 The person who applies for the grant must be receiving income support , housing benefit or community charge benefit or be the partner of someone receiving those benefits .
27 The person who sat at the side of the Secretary of State was the regional officer from Leeds .
28 However , with regard to non-UK source income the point in issue was whether the income arose to a person who resided in the United Kingdom within Schedule D , s18(1) ( a ) ( i ) .
29 This often provokes a negative reaction from the other person who bridles at the explicit disagreement and therefore fails to listen to the reasons — indeed , is highly likely to interrupt the reasons rather than hear them out .
30 Martina is the only person who jokes with the ball boys and the crowd , also with her opponent .
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