Example sentences of "all [verb] by [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although not a Government publication , this book , first published in 1923 , achieved considerable popularity before the Second World War and has run to twelve editions , all revised by the original writer , the most recent being that of 1954 ; in England it was the main vehicle for the principles of Sir Truby King and his Mothercraft Training Society .
2 Rather like today 's optimistic prophets on the ‘ new age ’ , he foresaw ‘ an ideal society yet to be developed , which comprises all men ; all filled by the common striving for perfection ’ .
3 This is all organised by an intracellular organelle called the spindle .
4 It has also had 52 governments , mostly coalitions , since 1945 , all dominated by the Christian Democrats .
5 These cells are classified into about 210 ( according to taste ) different kinds , all built by the same set of genes but with different members of the set of genes turned on in different kinds of cells .
6 Examination had also revealed several hooded eyes in the head , torso and arms ; all connected by a massive circuitry of unexplainable nerves and sinew which , although with no brain to relay messages still saw them , still swivelled and watched them move about the room as they examined it .
7 It was all prepared by a Chinese artist whose work appears in a new exhibition .
8 There are three restaurants , each on a different floor , all supplied by a central in-house production unit .
9 The three publications , all produced by the same team , have collected a total of nine top awards from the BAIE this year at national and regional level .
10 The main hypothesis is that some CSPs are socially differentiated in that they are not all used by every social group , and that people are more aware of these CSPs than of others .
11 The courtyard was filling with horses as staff officers , all alerted by the distant musketry , arrived from the various brigade headquarters to seek information and orders .
12 There are five articles on the Valadier family workshop , all stimulated by the recent spectacular discoveries of drawings and documents — many of the former included in the memorable exhibition mounted by the Artemis group in 1991 .
13 They stood frozen , all transfixed by the same small , chill frisson of shock , but no one exclaimed .
14 In the follow-up work , which continued for several weeks , the class worked on the design of castles inventing all manner of ingenious devices to prevent unwanted intruders or attackers getting in , went on a site visit to a castle , produced drawings and models and carried out a great deal of oral work , all inspired by the original story .
15 And it was all financed by the very regime it surreptitiously criticised .
16 The cues require eight hand patterns and four hand positions , all executed by the dominant hand somewhere close to the side of the face .
17 He had kindly invited us to what he called a light lunch , which consisted of an egg dish , lamb cutlets , a pudding , cheese and a dessert of frosted redcurrants , all served by a bearded butler and two footmen in naval battledress .
18 There have been eighteen previous Aston Martin estate cars all converted by an outside company , Harold Radford of London .
19 This is all handled by a bolted on simple image editor and capture program called Inset .
20 Hours of lavishly-produced films have deployed mystical predictions , humorous pastiches of advertisements and evocations of Winston Churchill , all underscored by a vitriolic trade in insults between rivals .
21 These chrome surrounds match the covers of the three Chandler mini-humbuckers and their Telecaster-type control knobs ; these offer single volume and tone , all controlled by a five-way pickup selector .
22 It offers an interconnected system of over 10,000 screens providing information on study and work in the 12 European Community member states , all controlled by a simple point-and-click system .
23 To return to Dr Johnson , this book perfectly illustrates his sonorous maxim : ‘ We are all prompted by the same motives , all deceived by the same fallacies , all animated by hope , obstructed by danger , entangled by desire and seduced by pleasure ’ .
24 Even those assets whose supply is controlled by the authorities are not all held by the controlled institutions .
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