Example sentences of "all [verb] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 It 's rare to find the BBC TV Gardeners ' World team all gathered in the same garden , but our Chelsea garden 's Gold Medal deserved a special television get-together to celebrate with designers Faith and Geoffrey Whiten , who share their winning ideas with us on page 18 .
2 There were twelve or fifteen finished pictures , all painted in the same manner as the one on the easel , patterns of glowing colour , but the subjects ranged from harbour and river scenes to landscapes with figures .
3 After ten minutes , Mick was asked for his passport and was then handed a sheaf of letters , all in the same size of envelope , all addressed in the same neat hand of his father .
4 Anne Marriner , 23 , admitted attempting to obtain property by deception and two counts of criminal damage all committed on the same day during January .
5 They were not all written at the same time , or in that order : I had to keep struggling to write my own work as Dana 's poetic demands became more and more insistent .
6 These cells are classified into about 210 ( according to taste ) different kinds , all built by the same set of genes but with different members of the set of genes turned on in different kinds of cells .
7 The fact that human beings have quite a variation of abilities and shortcomings attests to the fact that we are not all twisted in the same areas .
8 The three publications , all produced by the same team , have collected a total of nine top awards from the BAIE this year at national and regional level .
9 Each layer or sheet , of which there may be 50 or 100 altogether , contains fibres of the protein collagen all pointing in the same direction within the plane of the layer , so that each sheet has a readily ( if you have an electron microscope ) discernible direction or polarity associated with it .
10 ‘ So many separate bits of evidence all pointing in the same direction .
11 The players all played at the same time , and they were always arguing and fighting for hedgehogs .
12 They stood frozen , all transfixed by the same small , chill frisson of shock , but no one exclaimed .
13 In Britain , Owen and Mivart argued that many cases of evolution consisted of parallel lines of development within the same group , all driven in the same direction as though by an internally programmed force .
14 How awfully dull it would be if all our teachers approached a class in exactly the same way , with exactly the same movements , all executed at the same pace and with expectations of the same rigid standard of achievement .
15 We have all gone through the same system ( which seems not to have harmed us ) , and it is difficult to accept that current students should be taught differently .
16 Participation could perhaps be increased if the event is planned beforehand ; for example , it might be an advantage if groups of children who all live in the same area arranged to meet and cycle to school together .
17 The Met , Signals and Switchboard girls all worked on the same ground floor , next to each other , and at the end of the corridor were the girls in the Intelligence office , although they did n't mix with us so much .
18 At the time Rachel herself had still been doing her training but they had all worked at the same hospital — David as a senior house officer and Jennifer as a staff nurse on Orthopaedics .
19 At the beginning of the line , the aircraft all start from the same common stock , but as they progress the goodies are added or not added according to the order .
20 Oh let's not all talk at the same time !
21 In particular it eased the task of hollowing vessels , executing decorative designs in high relief and undertaking such tours de force as making vessels with pendant rings , sometimes with lids attached by chains , all carved from the same block of nephrite.26 A key device was the rotary lathe operated by a foot treadle , which left the hands free .
22 To return to Dr Johnson , this book perfectly illustrates his sonorous maxim : ‘ We are all prompted by the same motives , all deceived by the same fallacies , all animated by hope , obstructed by danger , entangled by desire and seduced by pleasure ’ .
23 Two is enough really but just to be on the safe side use three and if they do n't all lie in the same straight line then one of them 's wrong .
24 's sister is an electrician at the factory and they have three brothers all qualified in the same job .
25 As can be seen , words such as dog , frog and happy , have different zone codes , but these all reduce to the same reduced zone code .
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