Example sentences of "called for an [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The committee called for an increased R&D effort and a more imaginative approach to research from government ( Hew Scientist , 10 March , p 634 ) .
2 EC environment ministers acting upon the increasing scientific evidence for ozone depletion , have called for an accelerated plan for withdrawing ozone-depleting compounds .
3 Lord Callaghan , the former Labour prime minister , called for an all-European conference through a revival of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Helsinki in 1973-1977 which could mark the beginning of what he called ‘ a new Concert of Europe ’ setting a new political framework .
4 The communique , sent to the Central American meeting through Venezuela 's President Carlos Andres Perez , called for an immediate ceasefire , but demanded that several high-ranking military officers be scrapped and recent anti-terrorist laws be repealed .
5 The communique , sent to the Central American meeting through Venezuela 's President Carlos Andres Perez , called for an immediate ceasefire , but demanded that several high-ranking military officers be scrapped and recent anti-terrorist laws be repealed .
6 Earlier , the new Conflict Prevention Centre of the CSCE met for the first time in Vienna on July 1-2 , as requested by Austria , and called for an immediate ceasefire and the return of the JNA to barracks , but failed to reach the necessary unanimity on sending a CSCE observer mission .
7 At the Black Sea Summit on June 25 [ see p. 38980 ] , after the first presidential negotiations on the Dnestr issue between Moldova , Russia , Ukraine and Romania , a communiqué called for an immediate ceasefire .
8 They have called for an immediate apology and say the muddle may have cost crucial votes in the battle for Darlington .
9 The meeting resolved to form a " co-ordination committee " which would meet regularly to ensure a united Arab stance in the forthcoming negotiations , and called for an immediate halt on Jewish settlement-building .
10 In the Costa Rica talks the government called for an immediate cessation of hostilities on both sides and the total demobilization of all FMLN forces before reforms and the integration of the FMLN into political life could begin .
11 Israel 's Foreign Minister , David Levi , simply stated that there was " nothing new " in the speech , whereas the hardline Housing Minister Ariel Sharon , angered by Bush 's reference to a " land for peace " formula , called for an immediate convening of the ruling Likud central committee to work out a response .
12 Moderate unions , including the Union of Railwaymen , called for an immediate return to work .
13 On the same day , Italy and Austria called for a meeting of the Conflict Prevention Centre of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe [ see also p. 38314 ] ; the EC 's European Parliament called for an immediate meeting of CSCE foreign ministers ; and German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher proposed invocation of the CSCE emergency procedure agreed the previous week .
14 In January 1990 members of the European Parliament called for an immediate suspension of all scientific co-operation projects between Israel and the EC , amidst plans for a doubling of direct EC aid to the occupied territories to US$12,000,000 a year by 1992 [ see also p. 37627 ] .
15 Louis Blom-Cooper , QC in the Listener , Bernard Levin in the Observer , Leo Abse , MP in the Spectator all called for an immediate inquiry , while Julian Symons in the Sunday Times , C. H. Rolph in the Times Literary Supplement , Mervyn Jones in the New Statesman all declared categorically that Meehan was innocent and should be granted a free pardon under the Royal Prerogative of Mercy .
16 The exiled monarch had also called for an immediate end to military rule .
17 He was replaced on an interim basis by his deputy , Faruq Dahruj , and the LCP central committee called for an extraordinary conference to discuss the party 's political plan and organizational structure , change the party 's name and elect a new leadership .
18 Although no breakthrough was achieved in the discussions , the Japanese delegation offered its approval of North Korea 's signature of the safeguards accord and called for an early inspection of the country 's nuclear facilities .
19 But that Wednesday morning , the few customers who had called for an early drink were much more interested in other underwater creatures : four of them , with sleek black skins and disproportionately large webbed feet , circling up and down , and round and round , and sweeping the depths diligently below the weir , streams of bubbles intermittently rising to the surface from the cylinders strapped to their backs .
20 I believe that had there been television in those days , the British cricket public would have been shocked by what they say and called for an early end to it all , irrespective of the rights and wrongs of Bodyline .
21 On Dec. 4 the Yemeni Vice-President , Ali Salem al-Bid , after a meeting with Saddam Hussein , called for an Arab summit to prevent war in the Gulf .
22 Following the government 's announcement army veterans from the civil war in the south were reported to have staged a sit-in on the bridge between Khartoum and Omdurman , customs officers to have called for an all-out strike by civil servants " to put an end to the military regime " and tens of thousands of protesters to have taken to the streets of Omdurman on Feb. 9 .
23 On Sept. 28 Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev urged the USSR government to declare East Kazakhstan an ecological disaster zone ( local authorities had already done so ) , and called for an international team of experts to investigate the consequences of the contamination .
24 A Soviet initiative issued on 21 February 1981 called for an international conference on Kampuchea , including the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council , which would be held after ASEAN and Indo-China signed non-aggression pacts .
25 A political statement released by the PNC at the end of the session called for an international conference on the Middle East , under UN supervision , to be convened on the basis of UN Security Council Resolutions 242 ( 1967 — see pp. 22473 ; 25029 ; 34898 ) and 338 ( 1973 — see p. 26197 ) , and the guaranteeing of the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people , of which the most important was " the right to self-determination " .
26 The Security Council plan called for an initial ceasefire followed by phased disarmament .
27 A spokesman for the Movement for Freedom and Justice ( MFJ ) called for an unconditional amnesty and the repeal of the law authorizing indefinite detention without trial , in order to facilitate the return of exiles .
28 The Orthodox Patriarch of Serbia and the Roman Catholic Primate of Croatia appealed for peace , while the Serbian opposition leader Vuk Draskovic called for an anti-war demonstration to be held in Belgrade .
29 AI called for an independent investigation into ‘ Akkawi 's death and urged Prime Minister Shamir to intervene swiftly to stop torture and ill-treatment .
30 But the National Union of Students rejected the authority 's report and called for an independent inquiry .
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