Example sentences of "called for [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He estimated that it would cost the country some A$500 million ( US$380 million ) in lost minerals , and called for compensation for the " expropriation " of the assets of Newcrest shareholders .
2 The CFDT then refused to sign the agreements and called for intensification of the strike movement .
3 Beccaria 's blueprint called for clarity in the law and due process in criminal procedure combined with certainty and regularity of punishment .
4 The Ecumenical Centre for Human Rights in Haïti has called for support from the world 's press to focus international attention on the violence that is being used to muzzle the country 's media .
5 The main speeches called for unity of the armed forces , and denounced attempts to split the Black Sea Fleet [ see p. 38732 ] .
6 AMERICAN Congressman Robert Menendez has called for change in the way suspects are treated in Northern Ireland .
7 Yesterday the party called for non-renewal of the US bases agreement , but perhaps that should be seen as an opening bid .
8 The University will assume that it is free to approach referees at any stage unless the candidate 's application stipulates otherwise ( i.e. candidates who wish a referee or referees to be approached only with their specific permission and/or if they are being called for interview on the final short list or are in receipt of a conditional offer , are asked to state such requirements explicitly alongside the details of the relevant referee(s) ) .
9 The unit of registration was the township , and the instructions called for certification of the owner of each piece of land there , not for a statement of the property of each inhabitant .
10 In the 1950s the Church of England had called for reform of the law under which gay sex was illegal under all circumstances , though it still held the position that such acts were immoral .
11 They were undecided and called for advice at the home of Jon Langford , a former member of Leeds ' bands , The Mekons and The Three Johns .
12 NORWAY 'S Prime Minister , Mrs Gro Harlem Brundtland , called for membership of the European Community at the weekend , ending months of speculation on her position .
13 Repeated UNLU communiqués called for recognition of the PLO , the refugees ' right of return , and the right to self-determination and the establishment of a Palestinian state .
14 The group , all leading specialists in occupational health and safety , has called for action against the virus , through information about the risks of hepatitis B and vaccination for all staff who are at risk of acquiring infection through direct physical contact with blood or body fluids .
15 Players called for intervention by the players ' union and the Football League , who last week fined Barnet £50,000 for financial irregularities as Flashman fought with photographers .
16 Mr Vestry , who is chairman of Blue Star Line , also called for investment in the shipping industry .
17 Pérez de Cuéllar on Aug. 13 , and again on Aug. 17 , dissociated the UN from any attempt at this stage to impose sanctions by force , but Bush on Aug. 14 reaffirmed his view that the USA was acting within its legal rights , and called for clarification of the position of the permanent Security Council members , in advance of a possible further resolution .
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