Example sentences of "to take [adv prt] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The doctor must come from virtually nowhere if he is to join the powerful Irish representation which is anticipated will cross the Atlantic to take on the Americans at the height of summer .
2 This ruling appeared to have been accepted , however reluctantly , by Sassou-Nguesso , and during April the conference began to take on the character of a national assembly .
3 In 1971 the CNAA gave evidence to the James Committee expressing its willingness to take on the validation of the Teachers Certificate if there was a need for it to do so .
4 Popular puppet theatre is helping to take on the struggle against AIDS across southern Africa .
5 Accordingly workers striking on an economic upswing often found employers more ready to negotiate than to prosecute , although if masters decided to combine to take on the union by resisting a wage demand or even enforcing a cut and bound themselves not to employ each other 's dismissed workmen , the law might be a more ready resort .
6 Coleridge even dares to take on the subject of the workings of Nature , as it were , as he attempts to describe the power and intensity of the earth breathing ; his reference to the ‘ ceaseless turmoil seething , as if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing ’ shows the poet getting almost as close to the heart of creativity as it is possible to do .
7 The local government system of the time had been given some shape by the Municipal Corporations Act of 1835 , but it was not until the end of the century that it acquired a structure that would enable it to take on the range of functions it has today .
8 Where the VAX System Manager is unwilling to take on the work of LIFESPAN Manager , but is also unwilling to allow other VMS users to have the privileges listed above , the best solution is a Captive Account .
9 The occasion will be a star-studded affair , a day when red joins with blue to take on the pride of Manchester .
10 Armed with their newest inventions ( a super-duper jeep and hi-tech helicopter ) they vow to take on the forces of evil and blast their way to freedom — so get blasting !
11 Berti Vogts is acutely aware of how close that match was in Sweden and he knows his side has not come here to take on the equivalent of a San Marino . ’
12 João had been out with Fernando for most of the previous night and looked pale and tired , but Maria Iñes said this was all to the good , because it made him look older and readier to take on the responsibility of a wife .
13 It is legendary that actuarial training is rigorous and difficult , but it is this depth of training which enables actuaries to take on the responsibility of advising on the financing of future payments involving billions of pounds for insurance companies and pension funds .
14 On Jan. 8 he had attempted to bolster his support amongst other LDP factions by persuading Shin Kanemaru , 77 , the leader of the largest faction and arguably the most influential figure within the LDP , to become vice-president of the party and to take on the responsibility of co-ordinating its internal affairs .
15 To take on the responsibility of looking after a frightened and disorientated family of five , who speak not a single word of English , would be an overwhelming chore for the most seasoned carer .
16 Bronson will return to the role of Paul Kersey to take on the Mafia in the latest sequel to the vigilante saga .
17 This is both in respect of the run up to the seventy fifth birthday and also with the increase in responsibility to take on the remit for the development of our work in relation to the European Community , central and Eastern Europe .
18 Fans of volleyball reckon its the fastest … hardest court game of all … this week two of the world 's top teams Latvia and Lithuania have come to town to take on the might of England and the pick of the nation 's universities … on tuesday … wednesday … and thursday they 'll be battling it out in the gym at Iffley Road in Oxford and then on Friday they they head for the finals at the american airbase at Upper Heyford
19 Does he not realise that many Members on both sides of the House and many staff who work here have to eat morning , noon and night in those cafeterias , and that there is a desperate need to take on the services of people who are qualified and at the forefront of their field in this subject ?
20 Although the charge card industry says it will benefit from the move away from credit cards , it is unlikely to take on the mass of consumers who acquired a credit card in the Eighties .
21 All of this does not mitigate well for a prospective owner to take on the airframe in an easily-delivered and/or operational manner .
22 — ITV plans to take on the BBC in the lunchtime ratings battle with a new soap set in a North-East seaside community .
23 We have discussed this possibility with the company and have been informed that they are unwilling to take on the operation on a commercial basis .
24 The author of this missive was Patricia Hewitt , who seemed determined to take on the mantle of Sara Barker , a notorious fixer and manipulator from the Labour Party of the fifties .
25 She had been discovered as a fourteen-year-old Moscow prostitute when she decided to take on the whole of a KGB barrackroom who were in need of relief .
26 On Oct. 3 four of the eight members of the Collective State Presidency ( representing the republics of Serbia and Montenegro , and the autonomous provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo within Serbia ) voted to take on the powers of the Yugoslav Assembly because they were " in conditions of an immediate danger of war " .
27 Like many doctors still , scientists find it almost impossible to take on the notion of psychic energy .
28 It is time at least for the English language to take on the concept of child-friendliness .
29 The cult of sport sometimes seems to take on the quality of an Orwellian nightmare .
30 He pointed to a couple of other technical inferiorities , and went on to note that DEC still has n't managed to convince any of the semiconductor manufacturers to take on the production of Alpha — it looks as though DEC will have to make it itself .
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