Example sentences of "to take [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of many photographers who had been lurking among the azaleas seemed to take hope at the sight of such an obviously affectionate couple and presented himself before them .
2 IF I WAS GOING TO take money from the public for the privilege of sampling my cooking , I would do it in a pub .
3 Ms Stacey said : ‘ It is a national pastime and the islanders have to take responsibility for the slaughter .
4 Willing to take responsibility for the church to grow , and not wait for it to happen .
5 Before being able to close off an SPR , it must have been accepted by a LIFESPAN user ( to prevent it being passed on indefinitely if no one is willing to take responsibility for the work ) .
6 Before being able to close off an SPR , it must have been accepted by a LIFESPAN user ( to prevent it being passed on indefinitely if no one is willing to take responsibility for the work ) .
7 Records were needed for audit , disciplinary and precedent purposes , and to enable ministers to take responsibility for the work of their departments before parliament .
8 At the moment it is theoretically possible for a qualified nurse with 20 years ' break in service to be put in charge of an acute ward , and to take responsibility for the management and allocation of staff , even though she may not have any recent or relevant experience .
9 Local authorities had a duty to assess those judged to be ‘ at risk ’ or ‘ vulnerable ’ and the state had to take responsibility for the supervision of care .
10 In late 1989 Ian Lang , then Minister for Education in the Scottish Office , announced that SCOTVEC was to take responsibility for the accreditation of Scottish Vocational Qualifications ( SVQs ) .
11 Some shareholders have called on Sir Derek , who masterminded the ISC takeover , to take responsibility for the debacle and resign .
12 If colleges were experienced in validation and had developed acceptable validation procedures , the Council made Validation Procedures Agreements with them which enabled them to take responsibility for the organisation of validation for their own pilot schemes .
13 I also recognised that I was expected to take responsibility for the interpretation of the utterance , exploring a wide range of contextual assumptions ( about hospitals , illness , operations , and convalescence ) and deriving a wide range of contextual implications — not only a wider range than I would have derived had the newsreader just produced [ 14b ] , but a wider range than I would have derived if I had realised that the speaker was talking about the pound .
14 Mr. Kinnock has challenged the Prime Minister to take responsibility for the recession .
15 Rachel was kinder and gentler towards her than she had ever been before ; but she also required Phoebe to take responsibility for the baby , to be a good mother , to take heed for the morrow .
16 Education Secretary John Patten has appointed a new governing body to take responsibility for the college .
17 However , the best man or chief bridesmaid will have to take responsibility for the announcement , and the safekeeping of any gift .
18 Each member state has designated a particular body to take responsibility for the comparability work .
19 This makes it very easy for climbers not to take responsibility for the rubbish they create .
20 However , I nearly did n't make it as I neglected to register my willingness to take part with the organiser of the hospital team until all 32 places had been filled .
21 Johnny returned after lunch with his knee bandaged up but the hospital said that it was not really too serious but this meant that he was unable to take part in the afternoon 's activities .
22 As I had already been rock-climbing I decided it was time to take part in the activity which I had been looking forward to , canoeing !
23 Ethiopian radio reported that during a ceremony in the office of President Meles , Carter had said that he was ready to make his own contribution to convince the World Bank , the IMF and other international organizations " to take part in the country 's economic reconstruction " .
24 I hope that my visit provided opportunities for the British oil industry to take part in the development of oil and gas fields in that region .
25 The work of health visitors — traditionally and profitably with mothers and children — threatens to be ‘ undermined ’ by increasing requests from general practitioners for them to take part in the home care of the very old ( ibid. : 131 ) .
26 Two of these had earlier been the subject of the intensive case studies ( see Chapter 4 ) ; two had been involved in piloting the questionnaire and the head of another declined to take part in the survey on the grounds that he was just then attempting to introduce a scheme of SSE of his own devising .
27 Their headteachers were approached early in 1984 and asked if they and their staff were willing to take part in the survey .
28 Many schools declined to take part in the survey , however , for a variety of reasons : pressure of work , involvement in too many recent research projects and in some cases because , despite the LEA schedule , they had either not yet started on their review or had made only minimal progress .
29 For example , he took comfort from the deflationary economic measures of July 1966 , which he opposed , as it gave him the chance ‘ to reassert collective Cabinet authority because I see how disastrous it is to allow Cabinet government to decline into mere Prime Ministerial government … if I achieved anything it was by asserting the right of Cabinet to take part in the making of economic strategy so that Harold conceded we must be given that right ’ .
30 Anyone wanting to take part in the pilot scheme should contact Mr Leckie on .
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