Example sentences of "making [pron] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This was the category of the barbarians , and Greek scholars were traditionally famous for exploring barbarian lands and making them intelligible to the civilized .
2 Eradication of H pylori in the duodenal ulcer patients lowered their pepsin output by a median of 55% to 17 units/h ( 11–55 ) ( p<0.03 ) making them similar to the H pylori positive healthy volunteers .
3 This disease has devastated cocoa plantations in several countries ; it is caused by a fungus which produces broom-like clusters of deformed shoots on the branches , and also infects the pods , making them worthless to the farmer .
4 In making them available under the terms of an existing contract , we made it clear that we would be concerned about early delivery to Argentina . ’
5 There is obviously a quality about agape love that brings out our total positive resources , making them available to the one being loved .
6 But , in the case of the latter it has been recognised that as regards the obligation , now in section 242 , to deliver accounts and reports to the Registrar ( thus making them available to the public ) they ( like partnerships ) are entitled to exemption .
7 We use a range of strategies : Raising the status of the children , making them important in the drama .
8 Accu-clear is a water clarifier which will cause bacteria , algae and loose dirt to clump together in your tank water making them removable by the filter , where they will usually be broken down .
9 Salt is effective by stimulating the taste buds of the tongue and making them aware of the basic tastes of the food being eaten .
10 What is needed as far as language teachers are concerned is some way of making them aware of the problem as it relates to their professional work and of providing the means whereby they might arrive at interpretations appropriate to themselves .
11 Many prospectuses are very wordy making them unattractive to the casual browser , some are over 8000 words long !
12 William and Andrew Smith invented an ingenious machine for printing tartan paper and from then on many of the products were partly or wholly covered with the paper , making them unique in the souvenir trade at that time .
13 Topaz was trying to pretend that this man was n't making her weak at the knees .
14 Their use of the ball out of defence — mainly through Brian Hamilton , with Willie Miller making himself available on the right — provided some of the game 's less jarring moments .
15 What a storm Sandy Lyle created by making himself unavailable for the Ryder Cup .
16 Eb was making himself comfortable at the head of the table .
17 She seemed to be caught up in a permanent giddying whirl , of trying to run the nightclub , making herself available to the police whenever they needed her , and coping with the demands of a sensation-hungry Press which had swooped on to the drugs-bust story with its famous heroine like a pack of vultures .
18 Cranston 's wife was making herself comfortable on the bench whilst the gallant who had been eyeing Benedicta had now moved closer and was talking quietly with her .
19 For years Diana suffered their uncaring ways in silence , making herself ill in the process .
20 Charles has taken vows before God making him responsible for the Christian upbringing of the child .
21 He is designated Commander-in-Chief , making him responsible for the safety of US troops abroad and for dealing with any threat to the nation 's security at home .
22 Nasser 's lower-middle-class background contributed to the widening of his political interests beyond those imaginable to the fellahin , the peasantry ; while at the same time making him aware of the latter 's situation , and the political and economic oppression suffered .
23 The troubles of the spirit are not always translated into the grosser medium of the flesh , but if I could not make this transfer with Miller then there would be no point in making him ill in the first place .
24 " You 're lovely , " she said , and brought her face to his , kissing him ; putting her lips to his just like that , soft and warm and wet , better than any kiss , better than his first real kiss , making him dizzy with the feel of it .
25 Misumenops nepenthicola , a spider , lives there and captures flies ; if these are distasteful they are ( sometimes ) thrown back into the pitcher ; if disturbed , the spider goes down into the liquid on a thread , its armour and a bubble of air making it immune to the digestive juices there .
26 Self-help schemes relieve the state of the immediate necessity of providing housing and offer a cheap source of shelter , thus making it possible for the poor to survive on very low incomes ( Burgess 1978 ) .
27 Such reformers usually saw themselves as making it possible for the Masai to survive as a race : getting obsessed with the Masai was not inherently a passive occupation .
28 Derek Malcolm might have a point when he says that our idea of ‘ glamour ’ has also changed — making it possible for the 90s woman in the street to look glamorous , too .
29 The key point was that the bases paired , making it possible for the first time to seem how a chemical entity might be able to store and copy information .
30 So we would hope that by releasing that article fourteen direction at that stage , all we would really be doing is making it possible for the l particular local plan to receive more specific impetus from real life applications within the general locations specified in the structure plan .
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