Example sentences of "probably [vb past] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A door across the room probably led to the bedroom .
2 This probably led to the practice which still exists of advertising agencies buying space in newspapers ( or time on television ) and receiving a commission from the media owner .
3 its probably got to the stage where you want glasses all the time now , just you know erm
4 The practice of eating dead enemies probably arose from the idea that you could absorb the better qualities of the person who had died through eating their flesh .
5 He used red bulls for preference among the Angus , and suggested that this recessive colour factor probably arose from the use of red Durhams ( originating from Dutch cattle ) two centuries earlier .
6 Admittedly — and this takes care of the other payoff conditions needed to make the situation a true Prisoner 's Dilemma — they probably agreed with the generals in preferring to win the war rather than lose it .
7 Aristos of Salamis in Cyprus , who probably lived in the middle of the third century B.C. , is said by Arrian ( 7.15.5 ) to have been one of the two historians who not only spoke of an embassy of the Romans to Alexander the Great , but made Alexander prophesy the future greatness of Rome , so impressed was he by the envoys .
8 Nevertheless , the actual origin of the mechanical clock remains a mystery , although it probably occurred towards the end of the thirteenth century .
9 The community of the shire was based on a network of acquaintance and interests , and probably drew on the contacts of individuals in local government .
10 Regarding Mahler 's own tempo , Kaplan cites a timing of seven and a half minutes written into the score that he probably used at the première , as well as the timing of seven minutes written by a player into a double-bass part used at Mahler 's last performance of the Adagietto , in St Petersburg in 1907 .
11 This most probably stemmed from the fact that the bronze-using Aunjetitz communities of Bohemia acquired a taste for amber from their Neolithic neighbours in Poland , defined in the archaeological record by their globular amphorae .
12 Within the pale the strangers entering were observed immediately , and approached with an alertness and efficiency that probably stemmed from the fact that the earl himself was in residence .
13 In Westminster Abbey Library is a fragment of a funerary taper found in Abbot Thomas Mylling 's tomb , which is presumed to have been placed there at the time of his funeral in 1492 and probably came off the hearse .
14 Probably came under the heading gifts .
15 The severest revilement , however , probably came from the mob in the street and the clergy .
16 The skull has recently been identified as the fossilized cranium of a white woman , at least 1,500 years old , which probably came from the burial ground on Pilsden Pen .
17 He said the skull probably came from the Iron Age settlement .
18 ‘ But that does n't prove anything except that the man probably came from the ironworks . ’
19 There is some mystery about the origin of the stock dove 's name , but it probably came from the habit of nesting in the stocks or trunks of trees .
20 It probably came in the post but I do n't know where from .
21 Another outsider who probably arrived in the area under Gloucester 's aegis was Ralph Willoughby , a younger son of the Willoughbys of Wollaton ( Notts. ) , who acquired landed interests in East Anglia through marriage to the widow of Henry Castell of Raveningham ( Norf . ) .
22 Another outsider who probably arrived in the area under Gloucester 's aegis was Ralph Willoughby , a younger son of the Willoughbys of Wollaton ( Notts. ) , who acquired landed interests in East Anglia through marriage to the widow of Henry Castell of Raveningham ( Norf . ) .
23 Although at first TANU was at a disadvantage in not having its own daily paper , it probably benefited from the publicity , albeit negative , given by the Government press .
24 Strong links probably existed between the Templars and the abbey .
25 It is hoped that residential care staff will continue to work closely with family members , to establish a different family network , replacing that which probably existed in the community .
26 This park probably belonged to the Palace or Halling House .
27 Unfortunately the smaller coffin-maker could not cope with the high-powered advertising of IPC and Dottridge Brothers , preferring to place miniature versions of their handiwork in the shop window for the benefit of passers-by , though they probably relied on the funeral furnishing warehouses for the supply of linings and coffin furniture .
28 Detectives believe the pensioner , who is due to celebrate her 100th birthday next month , was repeatedly punched in the face by her attacker who probably escaped through the bedroom window .
29 He probably heard on the radio that Mahoney had a chance , so he took a stroll round to the hospital and finished him off .
30 Significant vertical uplift probably began in the Oligocene about 35 Ma ago and has continued to the present time , but at varying rates .
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