Example sentences of "probably [vb infin] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although they intend taking some of the animals with them , the rest will probably remain with the estate .
2 Although Terminal courses would probably remain as the bulk of provision — ‘ the breadth of the base of the movement amongst ordinary folk ’ — ‘ the Tutorial Class must be the demonstration that real understanding , whatever the purpose , requires sustained effort ; and a significant expansion of activity at this level is the true index of a significant expansion of a genuinely informed public . ’ .
3 Ryan 's proposal for a program for automatic story generation which fulfils her three criteria of creativity , aesthetic awareness and understanding will probably remain beyond the boundaries of feasibility for a long time , but it does demonstrate both the need for a greater contribution of ideas from poetics and narratology to developments in artificial intelligence , and the insights that can be gained from the attempt to shape one 's ideas about narrative into a form that can be learnt and applied by computers .
4 By 2020 , China could be emitting up to three times the US total ( although its per capita figure will probably stay below the US ) .
5 Okay erm in terms of the technical erm way it works erm the O Omni SQL Gateway does go through the Open Server for Kix at the moment and I think John could probably comment on the I B M relationship .
6 ( For a ‘ developed ’ country , this will probably concentrate on the questions asked in the census form ; for other parts of the world the method of conducting the census may be of more interest . )
7 If he 's dying , of a coronary , well I ca n't stop him dying , but I can maybe help … the number of people whose lives you save in the course of your career , you can probably count on the fingers of one hand — it 's scientists and public health people that save lives .
8 ‘ Previously , we were a relatively small company — everyone knew everybody else and how they could probably assist in the event of an emergency .
9 If the Bank 's lawyers fail to have the case struck out early on , they will probably appeal on the principle of regulatory immunity as far as the House of Lords , Britain 's equivalent of the Supreme Court .
10 For example when foreign documents relating to professional conduct the opinions of experts not sealable on disputes of policy in professional to etiquette to elucidate the rules of a particular profession , English law , morals and probability of human nature and all our opinions of law is that which English law though they may prove the proper costs of particular legal proceedings , neither expert or ordinary witnesses may give their opinions upon matters of legal or moral obligations or general human nature or the manner in which other persons would probably act in the interests and my Lord this director points at the policy it is in fact the authority admits which is Mr Justice then was .
11 Perennial favourites from Nike , the Mariah and Duellist are supplemented by the Pegasus Racer , which will probably capitalise on the name and success of the Pegasus trainer .
12 The client will probably negotiate with the contractor before a contract is signed to ensure his needs will be met , and once the contract is signed he will have little involvement until the building is complete .
13 Her name would probably appear in the newspaper twice within two days , since she was to deliver the main report to the Morals Committee ; and that should really impress both friends and enemies .
14 What the mother finally decides to do will probably result from the opinion of someone else — whether that someone is her own mother , the local midwife or whichever childcare expert happens to be in vogue at the time .
15 Contamination of isolated cell membranes with intracellular components would therefore probably result in the detection of pre-Β chains in the normal colonic mucosa .
16 It is said to be a nervous fish and it will probably benefit from the presence of other fish — acting as dither fish — to give it confidence .
17 This is undoubtedly an all European problem , United States , Canada , Japan , everyone else should be involved , er I think we should probably identify with the Soviet 's aid and help , hm , key projects like the conversion of military industry into consumer goods , er , like transport and communications , key areas of the economy where relatively small amounts of investment could produce big returns , and then finally it seems to me we should be extending to the Soviet Union for membership of er , international financial organisations like the world bank and the international monetary fund , whichever in criteria of course for helping countries and for integrating international aid to those countries .
18 If the environment then stabilizes it will be these types that will probably emerge as the intermediates .
19 5.12.2 Not without the consent in writing of the Landlord ( such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed and which consent shall not be required in relation to applications in respect of the fascia or signage at the Premises ) to apply for planning permission The landlord will probably insist on the retention of clause 5.12.4 in order to avoid the problem of a limited planning permission being issued containing a reinstatement provision becoming effective after the lease term has expired .
20 Ordering of this kind will probably occur in the arrangement of goods in the ‘ shop ’ , or books and boxes on the class shelves , or play with different sized dolls and clothes .
21 The measure of co-operation was obtained by asking if the respondent would probably report to the police an offence he had witnessed .
22 They will probably err on the side of caution whenever attempting to unravel the cause of death because recording it as occupationally induced requires the subsequent payment of industrial death benefits .
23 ‘ I 'll probably advertise in the Guardian media pages and hope someone takes it seriously . ’
24 We 'd probably blow round the edges when I put in the freezer .
25 Non-persistent contact weedkillers destroy top growth quickly , and are very efficient at destroying annual weeds and seedlings of perennials , but established deep-rooted perennial weeds will probably regrow from the roots .
26 As you can probably guess from the title , this product is only compatible with Windows version 3.0 or higher .
27 The best time of day would be between twelve noon and three thirty or four o'clock , this is a time when the manager is generally out having one of his long lunches , er the assistant manager would probably return to the bank about round about two , two thirty , and the situation in the bank er between these times would be that there would be only a handful of staff , usually junior staff on duty who are more susceptible to passing information than the senior staff .
28 Just how well will probably depend on the temperature .
29 You 'll probably read in the dictionary probably says at University , just .
30 He would probably die in the attempt , but he knew of no one else capable of completing the task .
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