Example sentences of "probably [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The same triple defect probably contributes to the formation of recurrent gall bladder stones .
2 A door across the room probably led to the bedroom .
3 This probably led to the practice which still exists of advertising agencies buying space in newspapers ( or time on television ) and receiving a commission from the media owner .
4 " Well , these mad rabbits probably dance in the moonlight or something . "
5 The contempt , or criticism , was probably hidden from the others , but Maria was acutely aware of it , and incensed .
6 From that point they were to make over a hundred films together , some thirty of them silent ones , and with their best work probably deriving from the phase 1929–35 , when they were engaged in creating coherent and sparse twenty-minute cameos .
7 What is more probably recalled in the myth with the conflict of Horus and Seth is an early struggle between the two kingdoms in which the ruler of Lower Egypt ( Horus being a local god from the Delta marshes ) conquered the ruler of Upper Egypt ( Seth being the local god of Ombos near Naqada ) .
8 its probably got to the stage where you want glasses all the time now , just you know erm
9 Seals , dolphins and penguins may have been hunted but they too were probably scavenged from the beach .
10 Although they intend taking some of the animals with them , the rest will probably remain with the estate .
11 Although Terminal courses would probably remain as the bulk of provision — ‘ the breadth of the base of the movement amongst ordinary folk ’ — ‘ the Tutorial Class must be the demonstration that real understanding , whatever the purpose , requires sustained effort ; and a significant expansion of activity at this level is the true index of a significant expansion of a genuinely informed public . ’ .
12 Ryan 's proposal for a program for automatic story generation which fulfils her three criteria of creativity , aesthetic awareness and understanding will probably remain beyond the boundaries of feasibility for a long time , but it does demonstrate both the need for a greater contribution of ideas from poetics and narratology to developments in artificial intelligence , and the insights that can be gained from the attempt to shape one 's ideas about narrative into a form that can be learnt and applied by computers .
13 Inside are stomata ( the few outside are small and probably permanently closed ) , which probably gain from the ants and decaying material , reduce transpiration loss and also improve the oxygen and moisture regimes for the ants .
14 The practice of eating dead enemies probably arose from the idea that you could absorb the better qualities of the person who had died through eating their flesh .
15 He used red bulls for preference among the Angus , and suggested that this recessive colour factor probably arose from the use of red Durhams ( originating from Dutch cattle ) two centuries earlier .
16 This print was probably intended as the frontispiece of a book — Goya was one of the first painters to look for a wider audience for his work .
17 Our newsletter is not the first to be produced using desktop publishing methods , in the UK that honour probably goes to The Wordsmith , a bi-monthly journal for authors and writers .
18 Desktop Publisher certainly was n't the first newsletter to be produced using computers , many titles are word processed , nor was it the first publication to be desktop published , that honour probably goes to The Wordsmith , but we were the first newsletter to specialise on desktop publishing !
19 Even so , this kind of exercise probably goes against the grain for a large number of readers , who will ask " What is the point ? "
20 It was probably completed over the weekend of March 27 .
21 The ‘ fat oyster in the American story ’ probably refers to the story of a man struggling with a very large oyster in a stew , to whom the waiter says , ‘ Well , sir , you are the fourth man who has tried to swallow that oyster . ’
22 This probably refers to the manufacture of brass wire for which Fromebridge was noted by the mid-1770s .
23 Delays brought about by the teachers ’ industrial action in the summer of 1984 and normal staff turnover probably account for the remainder .
24 By 2020 , China could be emitting up to three times the US total ( although its per capita figure will probably stay below the US ) .
25 Admittedly — and this takes care of the other payoff conditions needed to make the situation a true Prisoner 's Dilemma — they probably agreed with the generals in preferring to win the war rather than lose it .
26 On reflection , this exception is probably justified on the grounds that to provide otherwise might inhibit innovation in this very fast-moving field where the existing technology is being built upon all the time whilst property rights still subsist in that existing technology .
27 The number of genuinely universal traits are , I suspect , likely to run to single figures at most and probably correspond to the handful of biological ‘ needs ’ like warmth , food and procreation .
28 Okay erm in terms of the technical erm way it works erm the O Omni SQL Gateway does go through the Open Server for Kix at the moment and I think John could probably comment on the I B M relationship .
29 Aristos of Salamis in Cyprus , who probably lived in the middle of the third century B.C. , is said by Arrian ( 7.15.5 ) to have been one of the two historians who not only spoke of an embassy of the Romans to Alexander the Great , but made Alexander prophesy the future greatness of Rome , so impressed was he by the envoys .
30 The lack of Kingdom emphasis in John is probably explained by the fact that he is writing more in retrospect and possibly to play down false expectations in the contemporary Jewish understanding of the Kingdom .
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