Example sentences of "to go back to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This also enables any eventual profit to be kept in the long term , avoiding the problem that if it is retained , any eventual surplus would have to go back to the borrower .
2 After that I waited at the harbour until it was safe to go back to the beach without seeing the person I was dodging . ’
3 What about , to go back to the idea of scheduling and things
4 Nevertheless , practically all the rules have exceptions and readers may feel that the rules are so complex that it would be easier to go back to the idea of learning the stress for each word individually .
5 The Norwegians choose a long ridge walk to go back to the camp and by the time they have arrived , Tony and I have decided to take the kayaks out on to the Ocean .
6 I decided to go back to the village , to thank him for all his help , and to carry out a plan I had been considering for some time .
7 But I was afraid to go back to the village .
8 There is no transport on the island , and to walk in perfect quiet along the little narrow roads , discovering wayside temples and little shrines ; meet a crowd of smiling , noisy children coming out of school ; or to go back to the quayside where fish , vegetables , cheap jewellery , sunglasses , cooked food , hot snacks were all being sold in the open air ; all this was a blissful change from the hectic atmosphere of the city .
9 He urged Vincent to go back to the Borinage and continue with his work there , though without promising to intercede .
10 It would often be necessary to go back to the user and ask for guidance on whether to broaden the search .
11 Well we 're still waiting to go back to the Manor Ground and catch up with Nick Harris .
12 Julia was so interested in the cross-examination that she almost disobeyed Anthony 's instructions to go back to the Campo San Maurizio for lunch and spend the afternoon in bed , but , remembering how weak she had felt the previous evening , she did as he said .
13 He might have to go back to the road and start again .
14 A single order may not be sufficient for this latter aim , and it is advisable to go back to the shelves some months after the new stock has reached them and decide whether a further order is necessary .
15 Perhaps the other point I can make is to go back to the question of why women tutors and people in the university generally have emphasised harassment of students by academic staff more than they 've emphasised harassment by students of one another , and I think it 's not that it was thought that students did n't commonly make each other uncomfortable , but as an issue of principle in terms of whether it 's appropriate for university or college authorities to intervene in what many people regard as students ' private lives .
16 ‘ Would you like to go back to the auberge ? ’ said Melissa gently .
17 After casting on and knitting a few rows , you just need a couple of minutes from time to time to go back to the machine and change the punchcard or pattern number .
18 Finally he lay down in the snow and determined to die , for his stamina had failed him and he had not found the Dwarves ; and he did not want to go back to the life of killing he had led .
19 He traced its origin to his former position in the trade union movement ( hinting that he had an agreement to go back to the TUC where he could make more trouble for any government if they pressed him hard ) .
20 The jackets had to go back to the sweatshop , making for an unnecessary and annoying delay .
21 I 'll , I 'll be going to the village hall but I might have to go back to the Cross Keys , that 's why I put Roger , perhaps I put the wrong thing on you see ?
22 To go back to the Gdynia one on the ninth of October nineteen forty three , I have to state that when our crew arrived in England we went to er through school at Bovingdon for a couple of weeks then we were assigned to the Ninety Second Bomb Group and they wan na be sure we fit in .
23 She could have refused to go back to the Ward house , but she owed this woman everything .
24 I do n't want to go back to the north .
25 Finding the car park empty , he was too embarrassed to go back to the pub and ask for help .
26 The only other alternative was to go back to the cottage , as well he 'd known .
27 He says he 's feeling better but he has to go back to the hospice .
28 There was a telephone by the bed but he decided to go back to the hall , where another instrument stood on a table under the bannisters .
29 I 'm an Army officer and all I want to do is persuade him to go back to the Army . ’
30 After lunch we did a bit more skiing and then we had to go back to the hotel .
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