Example sentences of "form of [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 They judge that this form of organisation permits the cooperatives to obtain advantages of scale at the level of administration , coordination and planning while retaining the benefits of relatively small operating units i. e. maximum scope for democratic accountability ( Campbell , 1980 , pp. 12–13 ) .
2 It requires collective agreement in the form of government to define the property rights that are the objects of exchange and to enforce contract through the legal system .
3 Four days later a statement emanating from the State Department expressed confidence in General Hodge and affirmed the American objective in Korea as the attainment of a free , united , sovereign nation with a democratic form of government reflecting the will of the Korean people .
4 This form of influence swings the cusp to the right or left as shown in Figures 15.3 and 15.4 .
5 This form of publication reproduced the rumour in order to kill it , and a relieved Home Secretary announced he would be taking no proceedings against " Private Eye " .
6 If part of the price is attributed to chattels such as a lawn mower or curtains , or carpets , then the seller may be asked to sign a separate form of receipt to indicate the sum of money received in order to transfer ownership of the items concerned .
7 This form of assessment presents the student with the opportunity of displaying practical skills which may involve the completion of a specified task or procedure or the production of an artifact .
8 The form of order dismissing the petition is Form 6.22 in Schedule 4 to the rules , see Appendix C , form 30 .
9 However , according to Dr Jean Valnet , the Egyptians used a primitive form of distillation to extract the essential oils from plants .
10 This form of possession describes the situation where a tenant ( otherwise known as a lessee ) occupies the property of another , the landlord ( or lessor ) .
11 We invited hon. Members from all Opposition parties to consult and debate with us the best form of taxation to replace the community charge .
12 This is essentially a distinction between assessment as an integral part of the curriculum and assessment which is designed primarily to be a form of communication serving the needs of the outside world .
13 Others might argue that this idea of the personal as a form of unity admitting the most internal complexity is beside the point .
14 Early development studies in SIXEP ( site ion exchange effluent plant ) at Sellafield showed that the sodium form of clinoptilolite had the highest preference for caesium and this has been confirmed by work at this university on both US and Indonesian natural clinoptilolites .
15 Another form of sun-clock employing the direction rather than the length of the sun 's shadow was the sundial , but the Egyptians who invented it were far from understanding the subtleties involved in making an accurate instrument of this type , which must be calibrated for the latitudes of the different places where it is to be used .
16 I can take it easy , relax a with the galacvid — which is networked through the sentient worlds along another form of call-beam following the GalacNet lines .
17 Does the form of analysis influence the priority they are given ?
18 ‘ Planning , ’ he later added , ‘ is a form of regulation to enhance the quality of life . ’
19 On their own they are too clumsy in their form of regulation to provide the necessary adaptations , especially those required for social living .
20 The Form of Living illuminates the stages of the way of life which Rolle believed would enable these beliefs enacted in building and ritual to become psychological realities .
21 If you want to maintain a minimum temperature above 10°C , it may be economical to use a cheaper form of fuel to provide the bulk of the heat and top up the supply with electric heaters in very cold weather .
22 In order to avoid automatic cuts , the summit negotiators faced the prospect of raising taxes and cutting expenditure , or of raising the Gramm-Rudman targets and thereby loosening the only form of discipline governing the budgetary process .
23 Thus , the Scottish Law Commission in para 5:23 of their Memorandum 25 , observed that s62(4) : … is of importance since the introduction of the rule that property in sale might pass without delivery would otherwise have been possible by resort to transactions in the form of sale to circumvent the rule that a security over moveables may not generally be constituted without transfer to them .
24 ( b ) Discuss the merits and demerits of using this form of note to reveal the ways historical information can inter-connect ( e.g. the direction of the relationship ) .
25 The substance inside is probably some form of resin to stop the rattle from being dented too easily .
26 This form of markup provides the flexibility to select different display styles for the text because it does not anticipate the typography of the New OED .
27 They were quietly seething , June 1988 may not have been the right time for demonstrations , but parts of the student body and some sectors of the urban population appeared to be contemplating some form of action to let the government know of their intentions .
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