Example sentences of "go [prep] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To glue them up , arrange your heaviest cramps with blocks and , to save time later , go through a dry run .
2 FROM time to time all games go through a golden era ; a time when great players perform great deeds on the great stages of sport .
3 The central idea of long-wave theories is that advanced capitalist economies go through a regular cycle of boom and slump with each trough or peak occurring approximately fifty years apart .
4 Go through a normal working day and write down where the pressures are most difficult .
5 The immediate family and carers go through a chronic grief process alongside the need to go on caring for and sustaining a person who is slipping away , cognitively , behaviourally and emotionally .
6 Graduate finance trainees joining the company go through a three-year training programme .
7 Our stress levels suddenly rise markedly when we go through a major life event such as perhaps a divorce , serious accident , or death in the family .
8 Weak clients , i.e. those lacking confidence , may not perform well at the first meeting but normally go through a sharp learning curve .
9 They go through a dark door at one side , into the back regions , with stone-flagged passages , occasional belongings leaning against the walls , a set of fire-irons , old pairs of boots , a stack of blue and white Dutch tiles .
10 During the Westland episode my worry beads got red hot on occasions , but I think each time you go through a corporate crisis of some sort , you 'd be silly if you have n't learned from the previous ones .
11 Go through a white gate , go left and walk diagonally across the field , through a gate in the hedge opposite into a large field .
12 But he 's just a bit irritating cos he well you know I do , I do n't understand how you go through a whole relationship and everything , and then come to end of it and not even feel the slightest bit
13 Chub do have their days when the old grey matter works overtime and you will have to put on your own thinking cap and go through a whole array of angling techniques , usual and offbeat ones , before you hit on the right one to catch him .
14 The papers go through a rigorous vetting procedure , most importantly by question paper panels , which comment on the technical content and standard of the draft papers .
15 Every time I go through a lean spell I 've lost a yard ; every time I score a goal it means I 'm over the hepatitis .
16 If the possibility appeals , make sure you take advice first from an accountant on the tax implications and go through a reputable property agent to handle the short-term rental contract .
17 If launching here , go through a little gate from the road , down the steps behind the hut to a second gate at the river bank , a good seal launch site , through the reeds 10 yds downstream .
18 Although many children go through a stammering stage when they 're learning to speak , most pass through this phase and have no further problems .
19 Turn right onto it and go through a large gate by the army range notices .
20 Then , men go through a two-week battle camp at secret locations .
21 In relation to the sentence stem ‘ A girl and her mother … ’ , girls often produce responses like ‘ often go through a bad patch for a year but once they learn to understand each other , become the best of friends ’ or ‘ can help each other with their problems ’ .
22 ‘ A guy can suffer an injury on the first match of a tour or go through a tough schedule without as much as a bump .
23 Yes , you could do that , so , so y you go for erm a very high rate of taxation or you go for a lower rate of taxation which is
24 If you go for a Black Orc Mob you 'll be able to include Black Orc characters too and this is well worthwhile if you 're worried by animosity or by your army 's generally low leadership levels .
25 Go for a hundred pound .
26 Your cause will grab more power as time passes , boosted by the media , who always go for a new slant on the sex thing .
27 Go for a new hairstyle too boost your confidence .
28 So there are , there are problems with this sort of policy in terms of , of the , like the economic logic of it is that yes you go for a rich peasant economy which creates inequalities which will provide you with industrialization , which will then enable you to get back to inequalities but , in term back to equality
29 There are lots of planting opportunities left for the season : I would like to try a little herbary , for example , and go for a bigger emphasis on autumn colour .
30 Plan to do something that will take you out of the house and , perhaps , go for a long walk .
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