Example sentences of "go [prep] the [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Before going any farther , I suggest you go through the opening to the left of the Spanish Hall to catch a glimpse of the small garden called Na Baště , ‘ on the Bastion ’ , with its grand oval staircase leading to the entrance of the Spanish Hall and its neo-Classical pavilion by Plečnik 's follower , Rottmayer .
2 ‘ Well , ’ the other said , ‘ they always used to say , if you 've got an infestation ahead of you and an infestation behind you , always go for the infestation to your side . ’
3 Go past the entrance to Lavender 's Farm , turn right along the track past the farm itself .
4 Humility begins to grow within us when we go into the desert to be alone with God , to enter into the heart of God .
5 And if you go up from Bristol on from here you go up the motorway to Bristol and then you go along the M four to London well north of Bristol , up where the River Severn gets quite narrow and can be bridged is a city called Gloucester and Cheltenham is just inland from Gloucester .
6 So if you go up the road to Epping their elections take up all the councillors that are elected together .
7 Go up the track to the road .
8 But contrast the reaction to football fans who run through a town creating damage as they go with the reaction to university students during rag week creating similar damage .
9 Defection is , of course , a two-way trade but there is no reason to think that those who go from the West to the East are any more valuable or enjoy a rewarding lifestyle .
10 ‘ In London I go from the room to the car quickly . ’
11 Sore throats better for warm drinks , especially if they go from the right to the left side .
12 Stories of entrepreneurial heroism , come from across the economy and across the country : professors who create whole new industries and become instant millionaires when their inventions go from the laboratory to the marketplace ; youthful engineers who quit their jobs , strike out on their own , and strike it rich .
13 If we go from the battery to the bulb , from the bulb to the meter
14 In particular , we go beyond the introduction to the tabular summary given in Chapter 2 to consider how the presentation of a table can be manipulated to reveal the information content to best effect .
15 As soon as they pass their driving test , they can get out of the supervised test car and hop into a two or three litre car and off they go down the road to possibly death and destruction .
16 Go down the path to the pub .
17 It is submitted that element ( ii ) , and to some extent element ( iii ) , go to the weight to be given to the parliamentary material and have no proper place in the formulation of a rule regulating the admissibility of the material .
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