Example sentences of "to go [coord] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Reduction in guaranteed funding for research with each student place has led to senior academics increasingly being required to forsake the laboratory and library to go and press the flesh with research directors on the Government 's councils and of the big companies , charities and foundations .
2 The beeper alarm on Diane 's watch sounded as they were driving back , the signal that it was time for her to go and collect the litterbug Jed from his minder .
3 Er , you know , well of course they were young girls and er , you see and there 's , there was nothing we could do , you see , and , and er , anyway the doctor , as soon as the doctor did come , it was because th the young staff er they had to , they took her away to the mortuary , you see and erm then I , I had to carry on with her work and , and do the best I could and mine as well , you see , but of course er the Manager he appointed another Assistant Manager to go and collect the money which I used to do got it in because I took her times of duty as well and er , you see , and then after that er after several weeks I suppose it was , I do n't know how many because I forget how many , that they appointed me as Manageress and I was in that position for twelve years , you see and
4 ‘ I 'm going to go and lock the ship , ’ she said .
5 The extraordinary thing was that the man who was begging me to go and tell the world about this was expecting at any moment to hear that he had been appointed to one of the most senior jobs in the Iraqi government .
6 I 've got to go and tell the teacher this morning Alex needs to stay till twenty past three cos they only want them to stay till half two .
7 Fortunately , Annabel Hogan needed to go and supervise the shaking of hundreds and thousands on the trifle .
8 The Marr technique of painting is to go and visit the subject , where she makes copious notes on eye colour and other little idiosyncrasies that will help catch the soul of the dog .
9 ‘ Does this mean I have to go and retrieve the toad from her bed ? ’
10 Omar and our neighbours ' driver decided to go and view the spectacle .
11 Sir Alec Cairncross , a former Chief Economic Adviser to the Treasury , heaps praise on the Attlee governments at the end of his highly regarded study Years of Recovery : ‘ Whether one tries to look forward from 1945 or backwards from forty years later , those years appear in retrospect , and rightly so , as years when the government knew where it wanted to go and led the country with an understanding of what was at stake .
12 But erm it 's quite hard if you 've been up a lot at night and then you have to go and do the whole of the next day of work , but fortunately our rotas are n't too bad so we 're never on two nights in a row compared with the hospital which was quite a lot harder work .
13 And that it 's up to them to do the research , to listen to advisers , parents , other students and so on , but at the end of the day it 's them that 's got to go and do the course .
14 if I have to go and do the music I , jolly well wan na do it !
15 And we had to go and do the washing up and they were sitting in the erm in the kitchen choosing their Christmas presents from the Argos catalogue oh that 's nice , ooh it 's five ninety nine Jenny I 'm serious .
16 As Mrs Robson said , people had taken to war like they did to life : they had accepted it and were living with it and with all the things it did to them ; but why did them up top have to go and stop the flower trains coming from Cornwall ?
17 ‘ It 's getting dark now — we 'll put our plate up tomorrow , then we 'll have to go and break the news to Messrs Sheldrake and Woodall . ’
18 By the time Madeleine remembered to go and check the box it was nearly lunch-time and she was making hors d'oeuvres with one hand and pouring apéritifs with the other .
19 He always has to go and lower the tone of a conversation .
20 Did you have to go , did you have to go and meet the Chairman of British Rail ?
21 The Norwich City Council wanted to get a licence to be able to sell intoxicants at a new pop centre they were going to open , mainly for young people , and was a member of the Labour Party , incidentally , and and a County Councillor , one of the City Wards , had the cheek to go and oppose the whole of Norwich City Council
22 Ted agreed but he decided to go and discuss the matter with his pal , Jim , who was the local signalman .
23 She was stuck there with the bags , she could n't leave them to go and pick the child up .
24 Does it mean that P and R today are actually supporting the establishment , establishment of those posts , and we are going to go and get the money , or what ?
25 And they had a strap and they used to carry all the weight on their foreheads and on , and through their necks , and they used to climb , we went up to seventeen and a half thousand feet , and they climbed up with all these bags and they cooked for us and they got river water for us and sometimes they had to walk a kilometre to the river to go and get the water and then carry it back again er with the band around their heads and so initially it seemed quite difficult to accept them doing this for you , but for them it was a job and erm it was probably the only sort of job that they could get .
26 If lazy-bones Stephen ca n't be bothered to go and get the ice-box , I will . ’
27 to go and get the lock , to open the lock and
28 Right so that 's fine so I 've got the number , I 've got things signed , they 've got the rates , can handle it you know , she 's all ready to go and get the advertising in and that should start
29 And you was allowed to go and get the coal from the pit siding .
30 I 'm with you yeah , see Sam 's got some learning , when he comes to spellings to me , again I would , I would print yeah , he only scrawled that down last night , he says I 've got some spellings on sports mum , I said do you know any of 'em ? , he said no , I said when 's you test ? , he says Friday , well I got ta book on all sports and then I read it because sports and you think hockey 's one of them , oh yeah , racket , which is spelt wrong I 've had to , I think it 's got a U in , but again I mean sometimes , I mean I 'm a good speller , I do n't know about you , but I look at them sometimes and I have to go and get the dictionary have to check em
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