Example sentences of "eyes and a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was another , a giant with steel-grey hair , piercing blue eyes and a cruel mouth .
2 ‘ Oh , it 's bliss … ’ she began , then noticed Xanthe 's delicate widening of her eyes and a slight wrinkle of pale nose , like white jade , and noticed that on her fair curls she was wearing a small moulded felt cap , with a slantwise spray of fluffy feathers — ; egret ? — curving into her nape .
3 Herman Katz was a thin , youngish man with nervous eyes and a slight stutter .
4 She was a fine upstanding middle-aged lady with sharp eyes and a lucid tongue .
5 I ran down to meet him , but when I got there I saw that he had narrow eyes and a mean mouth and I did n't like him one bit .
6 Lucaroni was short and rather sleazy-looking , with narrow-set eyes and a broad jaw blue with stubble .
7 Along the wall opposite the bookcase was a bed and under the front window which looked out over the tiny arched lane and fields , was a small table with a photograph of a young dark-haired woman and a slightly older man with large penetrating eyes and a broad grin .
8 He was a big man , about fifty-five years old , with brown eyes and a nice smile .
9 Not cocky young men with roving eyes and a nice taste in girls .
10 When the figure looked up the boy was impressed by bright , blue eyes and a long nose but a kind expression .
11 He smiled at Roland , a pleased , voracious smile , with bright blue eyes and a long mouth terribly full of strong white teeth .
12 She was tall , about fifty years old , with blue eyes and a long face .
13 Andropulos did n't say whether Aristotle was the first or last name : he had watchful eyes and a serious expression but looked as if he might , unlike Alexander , be capable of smiling occasionally .
14 With determination in her large , watery blue eyes and a doleful expression permanently on her face , Jackson moved to quash the revolt .
15 Leading Shakespearean actor Ralph Fiennes , nephew of the explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes , favours the romantic Lean image of Lawrence as tall , diffident and spiritual , with sensitive eyes and a charismatic personality , but the mad neurotic quality has gone , leaving only a nervous giggle and an impish sense of humour .
16 ‘ Anyway , all I could see were violet eyes and a wide smile , and , after a few weeks of being slowly driven to distraction by your lovely ghost following me around , I decided to come to England .
17 CUTE QUOTIENT : Pretty with lively big eyes and a wide mouth .
18 A fine aquiline nose , sharp grey eyes and a wide mouth , which was , like as not , to be found smiling .
19 He was a tall man with flashing eyes and a ruddy complexion , who told his young bride that he would rather live on bread and water in that north country scenery than on the fat of the land in London .
20 Here was a hero with icy eyes and a disdainful mouth — typically male !
21 She had innocent , dark-blue eyes and a cupid's-bow mouth which would certainly get her into trouble one day .
22 On top was the Queen with Princess Anne in a pushchair and Paul McCartney as Dad , and here was one I had near the beginning about being in a space-ship — Brian and me were weightless and floating around , and what we had to do was to get some stability by getting hold of this firework , a sort of Catherine wheel that was going round and round and showering sparks in our faces , so we closed our eyes and a fire-fanged beast roared flames at us and burned a hole in the space-ship and I fell , still with my eyes tight shut , out into the bottomless black void .
23 She had seen the pity in her mother 's eyes and a great rage against Janine had rushed through Maura .
24 It has relatively large eyes and a small mouth , with small sharp teeth on both upper and lower jaws .
25 But it is also noticeable that Mackenzie wrote a much less dramatized description of his grandmother , ‘ a weird old lady ’ with penetrating eyes and a low voice ’ , who had only fallen a little less severely than her ex-husband , living as landlady in a poor alley with ‘ an old servant companion ’ in a house furnished with antiques .
26 He had an unshaven anvil chin , glittering eyes and a blonde-haired schoolteacher whose name was Maya .
27 The manager of the restaurant , a short Italian with sad eyes and a pinched face , emerged from the kitchen and chatted briefly with Plummer about the improvement of business .
28 You needin' ol' man Boysey , he fixin' anyting , ’ a young boy with wide eyes and a wider grin informed Martin .
29 But tears are a great leveller ; everyone looks ugly with red-rimmed eyes and a screwed-up face .
30 When Anthony arrived spent and ill-looking from the hospital later that evening , Julia handed him the thin yellow sheet and was relieved to see a lightening in his dark grey eyes and a faint smile on his thin lips .
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