Example sentences of "looked [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There was a window in her bedroom , but it just looked on to a tiny area and did n't let in much light .
2 The child followed Aggie through the middle arch and towards a heavy , paintless oak door , then into a room dimly lit by a window that looked on to the covered way .
3 The florist was closed , and they 'd put the fresh stock away , so that when Boy looked in through the first window the flowers he saw were of silk ; all artificial , but so good that they were better and fresher than the real thing , and certainly more expensive .
4 One particular sadistic character opened up his observation hatch while we were groping around a smoke filled tank , looked in with a satanic grin and shouted , " Ha !
5 ‘ I wish I were you , ’ Alexandra said , ‘ I wish I were a mouse , ’ and then , drawn inexorably , she leaned forward across the table and looked down through the closed window at her mother 's upturned face below .
6 On either side of him the warders looked down onto the other landings , watching for any signs of unrest amongst those below .
7 Climbing up on to a high bastion , I looked down over the shimmering interior of the fort and thought of the words that must once have been a set text for the cavalrymen stationed here :
8 He could hear her barking and looked down over the steep side of the embankment to the bottom of the trees .
9 From the terrace of the house , grimed with soot and wind , one looked down into a grey , fogged landscape of endless slate-roofed ‘ back-to-backers ’ and soaring mills throbbing with trundling looms , glittering with acres of lighted windows ( dark in the black-out after 3.30 in the afternoon ) , and huge chimneys trailing and belching smoke endlessly into the curdled air , which loitered out over the spoiled valleys until , eventually , it was dispersed across the distant moors .
10 Outside on the terrace , at the point from where Francis used to dive , and made the dive that killed him , I looked down into the moon-flecked pool .
11 Reginald remained in the middle of the room staring at the closed door for a moment ; then , his head making small jerks , he turned towards the fire and , leaning his elbow along the mantelshelf , he looked down into the dying embers .
12 He pulled off his mask and looked down into the open conning tower .
13 Rain looked down into the steep cleft of another valley .
14 They looked down into the big disused quarry .
15 The baby was now cleaned up and Sarah looked down into the bluest eyes she had ever seen .
16 A sense of gloom blanketed his thought as he looked down to the dark water and heard the hiss of it rushing over the invisible weir ahead of him .
17 Yes well the , the question is that I notice in the assets that investments at cost were twenty five million , the present market value is twenty eight million , indeed since that 's been written it may even be more and when I looked down to the other side of the accounts , I noticed interest on capital of twelve hundred and four pounds and I wonder where the interest from the twenty eight million has gone to .
18 ‘ Moje milá , ’ he gently breathed , and , pulling a little away from her , he looked down to the naked swollen pink-tipped breasts he had uncovered .
19 In the hall of the castle Sir John was reasoning with a group of servants while Lady Charlotte had hysterics under the portrait of a clan chief of the sixteenth century — an armoured and bearded warrior who looked down with an imperious black stare .
20 She looked down on a motionless gathering of Mercedes , BMWs , a Range Rover and the occasional Rolls .
21 Her window had been wide all night and as she got out of bed she looked down on the dusty heads of trees where sparrows were fussing .
22 In the dying firelight he looked down on the sleeping face of Joe the Fish .
23 Slipping into the bed Sarah looked down on the white-blonde head and felt the familiar tightening in her guts .
24 No wonder Uncle Mick grinned as he looked down on the nearly-elegant sitting-room .
25 He looked down on the bent head , but there was no response from Millie .
26 He looked down on the pretty garden and saw the two of them snoring there , their front claws tucked neatly under their chins which rested on silk cushions and their tails dipped tidily into the pond whose waters did not stir enough to move their dreams to wildness .
27 Holly stood beside a poorly dug hole and he looked down at a T-shaped junction of pipes and saw that the screw-fastened aperture that gave access to the pipe join and its subsidiary were swathed in doth and knotted around in plastic sheeting .
28 Dazed , I looked down at a little girl with wide , solemn eyes .
29 Ellen caught my eye , looked down at the ridiculous leaflet , and suddenly we both began to laugh helplessly .
30 He looked down at the foul mess before him .
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