Example sentences of "looked [prep] [pers pn] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A lot of people looked for you for a long time .
2 Oh , indeed so , erm our domestic life is extraordinarily complicated but when , after my maternity leave expired and when I 'd finished having time off and breast feeding the baby , he in fact looked after her for a term in Cambridge and I came back to Sussex and taught during the week and went back to my daughter and husband at weekends , and now he 's actually taking leave in his turn , if you like , so that he can be the back-up here while I teach and do my work this year .
3 The probation found a little stray dog called Benjy for me and I looked after him for a little while , but my money kept on going down and down and down .
4 I looked after him for a few days before he died . ’
5 My sister looked after me for a week .
6 Three who suffered particularly at the time were Richard and Phoebe Winch who lived just below the Centre and in whose house I often took my evening glass of ‘ allowed ’ claret , and Ann Willson who looked after me for the Saturday and Sunday .
7 He did so partly in order that those who looked to him for a lead would have no doubts about where he stood .
8 She looked to him for a lead and he gave it to her .
9 Evelyn looked at her for a long moment .
10 He looked at her for a moment .
11 He looked at her for a moment as if seeing her for the first time then paused , giving the question serious thought .
12 Leo looked at her for a moment .
13 He looked at her for a long moment , puffing on his seisha , then spoke for the first time .
14 Bill looked at her for a moment .
15 Alina looked at her for a while .
16 Both of them looked at her for a second , then continued their hushed conversation .
17 Langton looked at her for a moment , then reached into his desk .
18 He looked at her for a minute , then he looked away , over her head , at the front of the court .
19 Simone looked at her for a moment .
20 Simone looked at her for a while , then she said , ‘ Now , about next Wednesday .
21 He looked at her for a long , silent moment , and Merrill dragged her gaze away with difficulty , maddened by her erratic heartbeat .
22 He stood and looked at her for a moment longer , his eyes running over her scathingly , taking in the beautiful , angry face , the wide and annoyed grey eyes and the tall , slender figure concealed in such efficient garments .
23 He stood and looked at her for a moment , hands on hips , jaw set .
24 Mr Braybrooke looked at her for a long moment .
25 He looked at her for a long moment , and then he walked slowly towards her .
26 He looked at her for a long moment , and then he reached out and slid his hand under her hair , around the nape of her neck .
27 He looked at her for a moment , and a white smile brightened his suntanned face .
28 He looked at her for a moment , then decided .
29 He looked at her for the first time with real unease .
30 He looked at her for the first time since the beginning ; her head was still turned away , her hands over her face ; she had shown no further response to anything he had done .
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