Example sentences of "looked [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But this accident must be something far more serious , because all the nursery maids were crying , and so , when she looked through the bannisters on her way to bed , were the servants downstairs .
2 While Lucenzo looked through the displays on a gaily decked stall , Meredith gently extracted her father 's gold mask from the tissue in which he 'd carefully wrapped it .
3 Instead he looked through the cages towards Woil and with one fierce look stopped his babbling short .
4 I looked through the books in my locker : Tristram Shandy , P. G. Wodehouse , Marcus Aurelius , John Stuart Mill and the Spanish grammar .
5 She looked through the drawers of his desk and found nothing to indicate the financial problems her cousin had spoken of .
6 She looked through the drawers of Bob 's desk , curious to explore even the most unconsidered corners of his life .
7 I looked through the contents of my pack again .
8 there were four people at the last meeting er and two others from the department a male and a female who looked after the bits of the department but I can not now remember what their names were let me just see if I 've got my notes which were written on the inside of a British Airways flight ticket come in , hi ya
9 There were n't many others , er perhaps only four more er in the in the town , but we were associated with the with the er branch which looked after the interests of the co-op employees .
10 And the men , from Corporal John Carrow who looked after the cars in the depot to which Liza was attached , upwards to the brigadiers and generals whom she drove , were all , little or much , aware of this striking-looking girl in the perfectly fitting uniform , whose expression seemed to alternate so swiftly and appealingly between gaiety and despair .
11 We were hastily dismissed and only then did the staff realise the problems caused by 984 pupils searching for shoes , bags and coats in school corridors that looked like the after-effects of an explosion in an Oxfam shop .
12 She looked like the women of his younger days who had adorned the packs of nude playing cards .
13 She was wearing something lime-green and minuscule , with silver sandals adorning bare legs that looked like the stems of a slender plant .
14 The balustrade beside him looked like the shelves of a hosiery shop : dozens of pairs of silk stockings hung from it or lay in piles on the flagstones beside the brass six-pounder .
15 The place looked like the ski-slopes at Chamonix .
16 Elisabeth could remember when batterie de cuisine actually looked like the tools of a real trade .
17 The Doctrine of Signatures became fashionable , the theory of which was that plants which looked like the symptoms of an illness would cure it — lungwort or pulmonaria is a case in point , since it was used for lung conditions , because its white-spotted leaves were thought to bear some resemblance to diseased lungs .
18 The nearest entry point , almost directly below Ace 's feet , looked like the doors of a shuttle bay .
19 Later I realised that what made me uncomfortable was not that they looked like the inmates of those cattle trucks .
20 Standing silently in his trench , dug into the shingle on Browndown Beach , Driver Oliver looked along the sights of his light machine gun .
21 Drawing a deep breath to hide a flicker of nervousness , he stood at the great carved oak lectern and looked along the stalls at the nuns who sat before him there , so composed in their wimples of white and the dark garb of their Order .
22 He looked along the rows of silent sisters .
23 She squatted at the edge of the dug soil , experiencing pleasure in her own body 's supple movement and the warmth of the sun on her skin , and looked along the rows of plants .
24 When the revisionists looked into the pigeon-holes without preconceptions , surprising novelties stared back at them , some with five eyes , some with none .
25 Racing 's bosses looked into the circumstances of the horse 's 33-1 triumph and found that no rules had been broken .
26 The only alleviating point in the walk was the number of pretty women and girls ; so as I delight in looking at such , I very rudely looked into the eyes of those that passed .
27 She looked into the eyes of this human peacock and found herself at a complete loss for words ; and he too seemed surprised by this girl who had agreed to be his bride : he looked up at her ( she was half a head taller than he ) in a way that she might have interpreted as hostile had she not been in too much of a turmoil herself to notice it .
28 She turned , and Clare looked into the eyes of a fanatic .
29 A little thrill of anticipation ran along her skin as she turned and looked into the eyes of the man who 'd watched her with such intensity during the fashion show .
30 The old lady , her white hat with its red rose trembling , looked into the eyes of the old soldier , Felipe Freitas .
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