Example sentences of "court of [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Pitt began by converting John Chapman 's reputed Manor House — which he bought when the Court of Chancery ordered the Dampier family to sell it in 1823 — into a hotel , clearing the ground in the direction of Peveril Point .
2 Where the person under disability wishes to be a plaintiff or applicant , before commencing proceedings , if he is a mental patient and a person is authorised by order of the Court of Protection to conduct the proceedings , then that person must file in the court office a sealed office copy of the Court of Protection 's order ( Ord 10 , r 2(a) ) .
3 The opportunity to introduce a legal agreements was available when Millers ' appeal to the Court of Session prevented the Secretary of State 's decision to grant outline consent to the Maybury Park development from taking effect and Wimpey submitted outline application no 1463/90 .
4 The company has already obtained an interim interdict at the Court of Session banning the inciting or organising of mass picketing .
5 Today four engineering union officials will attend the Court of Session to hear the details of the latest application for a legal order sought against them by management .
6 The Crown applied to the Outer House of the Court of Session to quash the ruling , contending that the evidence it had tried to present had to be deemed relevant , even if not determinative or of very great weight .
7 The Scottish Court of Session upheld the Edinburgh VAT Tribunal decision , in the case of Link Housing Association Ltd , that ‘ person constructing ’ status does not diminish with time .
8 Even before the Court of Investigation confirmed the workers ' stand , the trade unions had smelled the scent of victory .
9 On July 12 , 1990 , the European Court of Justice ordered the German government to suspend a road levy of up to DM9,000 which it had imposed since April on heavy trucks from other countries , on the grounds that it discriminated against other countries .
10 Councils are poised to try to ban Sunday shopping next weekend if the European Court of Justice refers the debate back to the House of Lords this week .
11 On April 20 the Higher Court of Justice overturned the December 1991 rulings of the Higher Military Court of Justice on members of the former Romanian Communist Party politburo ; the original sentences on manslaughter charges were cancelled and the charges , in connection with the suppression of the December 1989 uprising in Timisoara , were changed to complicity in or attempted " aggravated murder " ; sentences of up to 16 years in prison were handed down .
12 Allen was nominated as one of the 135 commissioners ( MPs and others ) to form the high court of justice to conduct the trial of Charles I. The meetings of the court started on 8 January 1649 but Allen did not attend at the Painted Chamber in Whitehall until 17 January .
13 I have suggested already that neither assurances , nor probably even ‘ Declarations ’ , are deemed by the Court of Justice to affect the law as defined by the Treaty of Rome , as amended .
14 Britain will ask the European Court of Justice to declare the law invalid , on the ground that it was falsely tabled as a ‘ health-and-safety ’ measure — with majority voting , so Britain had no veto power .
15 Alured was named to the high court of justice to try the king , attended the first meeting on 8 January , attended the first sitting on 20 January , was present when sentence was pronounced , and signed the king 's death warrant .
16 Potter was named to the high court of justice to try the king , commenced sitting 10 January 1649 , was present when sentence was pronounced , and signed the king 's death-warrant .
17 He was named a commissioner to the high court of justice to try the king , attended its first meeting and most of its sittings , was present when the sentence was read out , and signed the king 's death-warrant .
18 Pelham was named to the high court of justice to try the king , attended the first meeting on 6 January 1649 , commenced sitting on the court on its first day , 20 January , was one of the most zealous and faithful attenders of sittings ( absent only once ) , was present when the sentence was read out , and signed the king 's death-warrant .
19 The Commission and the member states can draft as many biblical texts as they like , but the European Court of Justice has the last word and provides us with the ultimate truth .
20 The Court of Appeal granted the injunctions on the ground that the extension had generated a second dispute , between the ISTC and the government , which was separate from the union 's dispute with the BSC , and not a trade dispute because the government was not the employer .
21 The Court of Appeal said the strike was not in the public interest .
22 The Court of Appeal reversed the High Court 's decision , and the Commissioner appealed to the Privy Council .
23 The Court of Appeal reversed the judge 's decision to refuse the injunctions sought .
24 520 the Court of Appeal affirmed the making of a disclosure order to which the privilege against self-incrimination applied but attached to the order a direction in the form utilised by Buckley J. in paragraph 33 of his order .
25 The Court of Appeal affirmed the existence of an implied duty not to prepare to compete and gave judgment for the plaintiffs .
26 The Court of Appeal overturned the lower court 's ruling , stating that because the actual sale of the works took place outside Germany , German copyright law ( of which droit de suite is a part ) was not applicable .
27 The Court of Appeal overturned the resultant conviction for theft on the ground , following Morris , that there had been no appropriation in England because the defendant had there taken possession of the krugerrands with the owner 's authority .
28 One of the more striking interventions by the courts in recent years came when the Court of Appeal overturned the decision by the Secretary of State for the Environment to allow the demolition of listed buildings in the City of London .
29 The Court of Appeal overturned the award but no clear guidance emerged from its judgment ( see p.34 ) .
30 In its formal reading of the judgment on March 27 , the Court of Appeal vindicated the three appeal judges , led by Lord Lane , who in 1987 had dismissed the mens ' appeals , saying that the scientific issues were not the same .
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