Example sentences of "to see [noun sg] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So it 's wrong to see federalism in a sense as an equal partnership between the states and the , and the central government it is biased towards central government , always has been so and has in become increasingly biased towards it i in modern times .
2 Toby tried to see Onyx as an Eton games master 's wife .
3 Tolkien was a Catholic who never entirely ceased to resent Lewis 's preference for Anglicanism ; others were High Church ; and Lewis , who always claimed to see religion as an escape from superstition rather than from atheism , held himself scrupulously above such disputes .
4 These days , enlightened employers are supposed to see alcoholism as an illness , not a vice .
5 ‘ I do not like to see fear in a woman 's eyes , especially a woman who places so much value in equality .
6 Farmers were slow to see management as an area where training could help but as more became aware of their own shortcomings there was an increase in requests for one-day courses .
7 It 's these lectures which finally unbalance Bob Roberts , which shifts from crisp satire to stodgy tract under the sheer density of Robbins ’ disgust with US politics , losing along the way the warped rock ‘ n ’ roll and documentary trappings which give bite to the first film intelligent enough to see assassination as a career move for the victim .
8 Classical theories of management have tended to see leadership as a sub-set or function of ‘ management ’ as an entity .
9 It is fair to say , however , that while feminist educationalists have , in recent years , become more aware of the limitations of the interventionist model , the state continues to see education as an arena where social change can be promoted .
10 write the name of the person you 'd like to see manager on a postcard and send it to Pick the Manager …
11 write the name of the person you 'd like to see manager on a postcard and send it to Pick the Manager …
12 Like psychologists , they start to see theory as a tool , and to adopt male-identified criteria of its effectiveness — a frontier spirit of quest and progress , for instance :
13 Some biologists go so far as to see DNA as a device used by organisms to reproduce themselves , just as an eye is a device used by organisms to see !
14 After Lefebvre , we still wish to see space as an object commodified , but in late twentieth century Britain this commodity has not one but a multiplicity of identities .
15 ( b ) to be able to appreciate the interlinking of everything and the force of cumulative evidence , and that what is done and learnt in school can not be divorced from what happens outside ; ( c ) to appreciate that religion challenges head-on any view that regards knowledge as something only arrived at by reasoning and scientific experimentation ; ( d ) to be concerned about conviction for or against religion , but to be open to evidence and to experience — not to have the answers all neatly sewn up , but to see life as a journey of exploration with exciting prospects and a sense of fulfilment in actually moving forward and , if necessary , changing in order to accommodate fresh insight .
16 There is a need for older people to begin to put their lives in order , to review and be helped to see life as a whole , that they have the same ‘ self over time ’ ( Bakur-Weiner and Taggart White , 1982 ) .
17 It is easy to see beauty in a garden but how can it be seen in our fellow-men ?
18 As Britain concentrated more on integrating the United States into a western defensive system , France began to see integration as a way of increasing its own influence within Europe , especially over the future of Germany .
19 Causality is here contrasted with indeterminacy : either one pretends that the origin of psychological peculiarities is known and that it has the force of explanation , as in classical psychoanalysis , or one chooses to relinquish this concept and to see identity as a matter of discontinuity and flux .
20 But it is a mistake to see Anselm as an instigator of this process .
21 It would be unrealistic therefore to see implementation as an event but more as an ongoing process of experimentation and development .
22 Within the ‘ middle class ’ zones of owner-occupation of housing , politically active people tended to see politics as an arena for establishing the broad outlines of policy ; the ‘ details ’ of execution of policy could be left to suitably qualified experts and were not really the business of politics .
23 This insight was ignored until the new generation of experimentalists began to see heredity as a process transmitting characters through the line of reproductive cells , independently of the adult body .
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