Example sentences of "to see [pron] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For the birds , otherwise what will they have to see them through till spring ?
2 Switch on and move the appropriate levers on the banks of controllers , and the children come running out of the house , little pink-cheeked creatures half an inch high , who turn to wave at Felicity as she comes out on the terrace to see them off to school .
3 BELVILLE : Since she is apt to fall into fits or at least pretend to do so , prepare her to see me tomorrow after dinner in my mother 's closet .
4 It was lovely to see you again over Easter ; I hope in retrospect , that it was a worthwhile trip .
5 It was possible , therefore , so far as Hitler was specifically linked to the boycott at all , to see him only in connection with presumed justifiable action , and detached from the ‘ unfortunate excesses ’ of Party activists .
6 By this time he was writing rather apologetically to Constanze , telling her that she must be more delighted to see him back in person than with any money he would be bringing in — he had even been obliged to lend his impecunious patron Prince Lichnowsky 100 gulden , a request he could hardly refuse … .
7 You only saw the f oh now oh right so , hands up who saw it all the way through and would not want to see it again as part of the seminar .
8 Much of the machinery is in working order and I was so fascinated to see it actually in operation that I was late getting back to the bus ; driver sitting with engine running , and the eyes of every accusing fellow passenger upon me .
9 My father came to see us just before Christmas .
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