Example sentences of "to see [pron] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was ludicrous to see them as a threat to security .
2 Practical theories and theoretized practice meet somewhere in the middle , and it may be more fruitful to see them as a continuum than as a dichotomy .
3 First , bankers are so used to thinking of intangibles as chiefly useful for pricing takeovers and then minimising taxes after them ( intangibles can be amortised for tax purposes ) that they have been slow to see them as a way of wooing investors .
4 The only plausible way historically to guarantee the authority of such rights has been to see them as the issue of a divine law-giver .
5 As Craig slowly recovers one thing that really upsets his parents is that no-one from the council has bothered to see them about the accident or to ask how craig is :
6 ‘ They wanted to see them off the streets . ’
7 Princesse Mathilde came to see them for a weekend .
8 I would like to see them for the Falls .
9 I would like to see them for the Shankill .
10 ‘ It will please the Colonel to see them at the breakfast-table in the morning , ’ I-said .
11 ‘ You 've got chilblains ! ’ their mother said when she came to see them at the beginning of December .
12 I was still more surprised when some of their parents arrived in motor cars to see them at the weekend
13 The public would still pay to see them at the cinema .
14 ‘ I 've to see them at the bank shortly — there 's that Buttering to be fixed , and no money for it wi'out they 'll give me a loan . ’
15 to see them at the Dinosaurs Alive and then they went to the museum .
16 You do n't fucking expect to see them on the side of a bar though do you ?
17 County cricketers were paid for the summer and only the best were given a reduced wage to see them through the winter .
18 He was much respected for his knowledge of golf courses , but was a throwback to the days when caddies wore old macs or tweed overcoats , slept rough in the summer , and in October committed a misdemeanour mild enough to ensure six months in jail to see them through the winter and send them out sobered up and refreshed for the new golf season .
19 These were the children some of the teachers looked down on because they came to school with unmended holes in their jumpers , or no proper shoes , only canvas sandshoes to see them through the winter .
20 Luckily this family all weighed in at over 15 grammes … and that means enough fat to see them through the winter .
21 The woodmen never broke up those temporary dwellings which they built to see them through the weekdays of the felling season .
22 They have received it in the shape of detailed educational theory carefully worked out to see them through the maturation process from infancy to adulthood .
23 It seemed that all the intelligence had gone to Constance , leaving her brothers with only wariness and guile to see them through the vicissitudes of life , although , Scarlet had to admit , they could be surprisingly kind .
24 Senada and her children , Mevlida ( 16 ) , Sanel ( 15 ) , Saliha ( 12 ) and Jasmina ( 11 ) , now have changes of clothes to see them through the week , cash in their pockets , and the run of Bob 's kitchen and store-cupboards , which were pre-stocked with macaroni and pasta for their arrival .
25 I 've got a full-time job now , I hardly get to see them during the week . ’
26 ‘ I went over to see them in a tea dance one Friday and they said it was like they were being auditioned .
27 We do n't get to see them in the states so we have to come over here .
28 I 'd see both these birds in the zoo , so I was fascinated to see them in the wild .
29 She could n't look out to see them in the yard .
30 The King was much intrigued to see them in the Dolls ' House and enquired who gave her permission .
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