Example sentences of "to see [noun] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It would be very sad to see Middlesbrough without first-class cricket . ’
2 It was to see houses on expensive sites rise constantly higher , the consequent birth of the ‘ lift ’ or ‘ elevator ’ , and in the 1880s the construction of the first ‘ skyscrapers ’ in the United States .
3 The CTO will often ask to see copies of relevant correspondence between the parties and the legal advisors subject to any privilege rights .
4 The West began to see aid to Eastern Europe as more important than aid to the Third World — ‘ charity begins at home ’ .
5 Day after day , they watched the north road with muskets at the ready , expecting to see columns of blue-uniformed men marching towards them , but they never came .
6 In order to see context-dependence in conditioned suppression it will be necessary to devise a procedure in which the contribution of the inhibitory association will be negligible .
7 And she had said she wanted to see places of historical interest .
8 It is a common sight to see bands of penniless zealots whipping and beating themselves as they travel from village to village , begging scraps of food and preaching their own nightmare vision of doom and despondency .
9 The Church is then left with no alternative but to see salvation in Earthly terms since it has abandoned faith in a collective spiritual kingdom and relies on a shaky humanist spirituality .
10 Because I had not come to make a personal contribution I was able to see Africa with open eyes .
11 Indeed , fascism was to appeal to many who , on whatever grounds ( most of them rational ) , suffered from an inability to see problems of contemporary society except in an intensely alienated form .
12 One has only to read recent editions of Climber and Hill Walker to see evidence of atrocious behaviour by climbers and walkers : abuse , noise , breaking down fences , fouling areas with litter and excrement and climbing in areas when specifically requested to desist for good safety reasons — at Cheddar and Upper Pentrwyn .
13 But there is no substitute for a visit , and a request to see evidence of previous exam results .
14 Zeinab , who tended to see things in personal terms and who , having been brought up in her father 's house , had something of the great lady in her , took it into her head to protect her servants and rushed out into the street in a passion .
15 The student who completed the note on Stalinist Russia tends to see things in negative terms and is moralistic .
16 Four out of five wanted to see quantities of main ingredients so that they could tell , for example , how much fruit there is in a fruit jam or how much fish in a fish finger .
17 And if the England boss had been to see QPR in recent weeks , he would have been impressed , especially with Sinton .
18 Certainly the late swing towards the Tories suggests an unwillingness to see Kinnock as prime minister .
19 If a theory of normal language processing were proposed in which there were a single processing system responsible for dealing with spoken language — a system used both for perceiving and for producing speech — then one ought never to see patients with intact speech perception and impaired speech production , nor patients with the opposite disorder .
20 And if there are no Minor patients for the doctor should he or she start to see patients in other areas ?
21 It gives me the opportunity to see God in young people and watch them develop in their faith in the short time that they are here .
22 CABs would wish to see enforcement by private bailiffs abolished .
23 The water is normally like crystal and , if you are used to British waters , it is strange to see bubbles from other divers , rising like plumes some 40 or 50 metres away .
24 Whatever Beccaria 's personal position , his vision of a social contract set up by people who can at least imagine themselves as the recipients of its punishments is in marked contrast to the later , positivist position that tended to see criminals as different kinds of people altogether .
25 He sometimes wondered if it was not Blanche 's ability to daydream like this for a few seconds a day , the power to see beauty in apparent ugliness , that was the key to her resilience .
26 Without wishing to champion the Soviet system and the way in which it ‘ manufactures ’ its sportsmen , I believe the general philosophy underlying the integration of sports with other components of education is much more realistic than the irritating duality with which we labour in the Western world where educators are prone to see justification for particular studies in terms of their practical value .
27 He seemed to see men in winged helmets lounging around Frost 's , the late-night delicatessen , or peering oafishly into the windows of Sturgis , the estate agent .
28 Julia opened her eyes again and saw Comfort looking around her as though she expected to see men in white coats with a stretcher appearing through the walls .
29 Some of the people I know regard Hackney as the sticks and half expect to see herds of grazing wildebeest when they come to visit me .
30 It was typical of him to see politics in ethical terms .
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