Example sentences of "to see [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Strange to see Swindon in the snow and Sweden in bright sunshine .
2 But it still gives you a pang to see performers of the calibre of Stephen Moore , Sian Phillips and Sheila Steafel trapped voluntarily in a vehicle heading nowhere .
3 We therefore wish to see removal of the advice that planning authorities should consider ‘ the likely effect on the operation of the business ’ when considering justifiable enforcement action .
4 We found these very interesting and should be glad to see copies of the material you mentioned as about to go to print .
5 The Senegalese Armed Forces Chief of Staff , Gen. Mamadou Mansour Seck , had gone to see Taylor about the incident , accompanied by Maj.-Gen.
6 Loretta decided she would have to abandon her attempt to see Veronica for the rest of the day .
7 Still fastening buttons , she hobbled to the door in time to see Travis down the beach , waving his hands to attract its attention .
8 In the spring and summer of 1936 , she went to the Mercury Theatre on at least seven occasions in order to see Murder in the Cathedral .
9 It is only now , almost five years after the fact , that the US press corps and America 's allies are beginning to see Gramm-Rudman-Hollings for the hoax that it is .
10 When it 's daylight in Leningrad and the buses and lorries are roaring along the wide Nevsky , and African delegates are being toasted at multi-course lunches at the Astoria , then it 's easy to see Leningrad as the birthplace of Communism .
11 If he can not accept it , can he at least dispatch a team of Scottish Office officials to see matters on the ground and report back to the Scottish Office on the grim situation faced by the islands ?
12 They kissed , briefly , and made a date for about eleven the same morning , to see Karen onto the ferry .
13 Even Mr Sugden made himself available to meet the visitor , ready to assume that here was the returning warrior , eager to see areas of the country which only he could recommend .
14 We would like to see work at the accident blackspots ; junctions and blind bends where you ca n't see .
15 He hopes to see work on the issue of support , particularly pairing up with another person .
16 Thus in general it seems a mistake to see attitudinism as the enemy of reason in ethics .
17 But I began to see limitations in the amount I could give .
18 George was already phrasing his call to Culliman ; perhaps the request should be for Maxim to ‘ make himself available ’ to the Study group a suggestion of staying several days give the chap a chance to see Washington in the fall … and make a quick trip to St Louis and back .
19 Mr Baker seems to see opting-out as the reinvention of the direct-grant schools , while Mrs Thatcher appears to regard it as analogous to selling off council houses or British Gas …
20 ‘ The ‘ right ’ to see statements in the possession of the prosecution is therefore really a rule of practice described in terms of the ethics of the profession and based upon the concept of counsel for the Crown as minister of justice whose prime concern is its fair and impartial administration .
21 We could see Jane Russell again at the Empire , or walk up to the Arcadian to see Sanders of the River .
22 The voice startled her out of her reverie and she turned to see Candy in the doorway , her pert features anxious .
23 He said nothing , just that he wanted to see Duncan in the hall .
24 Dexter was glad they had come back to see Lancaster at the end of the day .
25 By straining my eyes , I thought I might be able to see Donegal across the bay .
26 Children get a lot out of them , much younger I think than most people assume , but I would also like to see changes in the organization of work for both men and women to make possible much more flexibility .
27 The parent should listen quietly to this opinion , preferably with an open mind , trying to see things from the youngster 's point of view and should restate what she or he understands to be the youngster 's argument , so as to be sure of there being no misunderstanding .
28 This helps to develop empathy — the ability to see things from the other 's point of view in addition to one 's own .
29 I thinks the manufacturing experience I had was very important , because it enabled me to see things from the manufacturer 's point of view , which many retailers have n't done .
30 so Malcolm just went in to see if there 'd be any tickets for the afternoon performance on the off-chance and they were putting on an extra matinee performance so lo and behold those two went to see Phantom of the Opera .
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