Example sentences of "anything more [conj] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While the administration of the Marshall Plan through OEEC was giving Western Europe a first lesson in economic cooperation , it was clear to the dedicated disciples of a united Europe that neither OEEC nor the Council of Europe could have anything more than a limited application .
2 The prince , who took his force into Wales from Chester in good tight order , and at every mile ensured his lines behind him , was on his guard against his own instinctive enthusiasm as well as against Welsh armies , and knew enough about them by this time to feel no surprise that he should probe ever more deeply and carefully into North Wales , and never touch hands with anything more than a darting patrol , gone almost as soon as sighted .
3 British primary legislation , on the other hand , seldom contains anything more than a long title by way of a preamble , and does not refer to any preparatory works .
4 Now that , following Fryer v LTE ( see para 1.50 ) , a payment into court can be disclosed on an interim payment application , a defendant who has paid anything more than a small proportion of the value of the plaintiff 's claim into court will find it difficult to resist the application on this ground , especially as the court will usually order the interim payment to be paid out of the money in court .
5 In fact , Laura had refused to accept from her friend anything more than a small token sum towards the other girl 's rent .
6 However the Tube is not designed as anything more than a temporary tent so it should n't be expected to give normal tent performance .
7 In general , the idea of forming anything more than a temporary joint household with one or other spouse 's parents is not seen to be a serious option .
8 But still it was clear that , amidst her preoccupations , there was scarcely room to think of him as anything more than a temporary ally .
9 These petty morals , partly overlapping , form a cascade of precepts none of which amounts to anything more than a trite platitude .
10 And to us if we are to understand him in anything more than a superficial way .
11 Even if the ethos does permit them to check out how they are doing , it remains unlikely that it will encourage anything more than a superficial sharing of doubts about what they are doing : about the disparity between their hopes for teaching and the effects , or lack of them , that they and their colleagues seem to be achieving .
12 He was too much of a loser to have been anything more than a hired hand .
13 There was nothing in Luke 's voice to suggest anything more than a mild curiosity , but Fran could feel the tension radiating from his powerful body as he leant forward in the seat .
14 Ruth did n't want to get drawn into all that again and besides , his tone had n't indicated anything more than a passing interest .
15 Nor were the books that Edward showed me the kind of thing I would normally have read — not , at least , as anything more than a casual browse among the dustier nooks of human eccentricity .
16 If this was anything more than a straightforward clerical error — the only parallel case being Robert Harold of Hungerford , who was stated to own a copyhold worth 8s. — it poses the question , was customary land ever assessed , whether by accident or design ?
17 This is unlikely to produce anything more than a slight increase in vaginal discharge which has no particular distinguishing features .
18 It is also easier to stop the forward movement in this situation , since many models require a positive effort to make headway against anything more than a stiff breeze .
19 And is the difference between a ‘ process ’ and a ‘ function ’ anything more than a semantic quibble ?
20 Despite assurances from advisers over the confidentiality of information presented in the self-appraisal , it seems that most staff were unwilling to produce anything more than a public type of document , providing little more than factual information .
21 First my father 's plans for my marrying a French princess , precluded my offering you anything more than a clandestine attachment — and now , with the future so uncertain , I fear that clandestine attachment and French princess are each as remote as the other .
22 Not that the tribesmen would attempt anything more than a quick raid by night , not until the legions were withdrawn .
23 Here , too , the Hammonds were concerned to dismiss suggestions that Luddism was anything more than a despairing form of industrial protest without any real degree of political revolutionary intent .
24 Britain still talks of anything more than a 15 per cent cut in the CEGB 's emissions within ten years as being ‘ impracticable ’ .
25 We know Compaq wrote the specification when it was still a ploy — Systems Network Integration says they even have a prototype up and running — but whether this can ever amount to anything more than a high-end PC depends on sorting out fact from propaganda .
26 In the case of Santiaguito , there is little evidence that the dome is actually growing at all — one can sit and watch it for hours without seeing anything more than a few wisps of steam from the top — and it 's quite safe to scramble all over it .
27 The ancient streets could perhaps have been left to enforce their own low driving speeds through their narrowness , their cobbled surfaces and their lack of visibility over anything more than a few metres .
28 He really did n't think the Revolution was anything more than a few peasants kicking up a fuss , like they had been doing for hundreds of years .
29 Some breeders I rang did n't have any left , others did n't have any chicks of the age I wanted ( and after Barny , I was very wary of buying anything more than a few weeks old ) , and others lived in the Highlands of Scotland or somewhere equally inaccessible to me .
30 Staff should be discouraged from carrying over anything more than a few holidays a few days holiday from one year to the next , unless it 's for specific purposes , such as climbing , catching dingo or visiting Aunty Mabel in New Zealand .
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