Example sentences of "anything more [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Liebknecht 's attempt to hold an anti-war rally in the Potsdamer Platz on May 1st , 1916 , was not yet anything more than a flash in the pan .
2 Writing in Artificial Intelligence magazine in 1985 he said the AI community in NASA and beyond were arrogant in their refusal to examine ‘ anything more than a couple of centuries old .
3 But to argue that such developments marked anything more than a beginning would be to over-estimate the significance of what was done .
4 When I wrote the program , I never thought that it would evolve anything more than a variety of tree-like shapes .
5 Whether or not the Communist Party leaders expected such a letter to have anything more than a propaganda appeal they can hardly have been surprised by the Labour Party reply on 27 January 1936 which rejected the application and outlined the history of relations between the two parties , particularly during the social fascist " period .
6 For while the health and safety , and the prospective redundancy of its members , are the union 's business as of generally recognised right it is by no means clear that an industrial strategy that was anything more than a slogan would be .
7 I mean , Stu would never attain anything more than a kind of addled bopping , but that summer he brought a certain careless vivacity to the matter of heel-and-toe .
8 before people twigged if you like , that what had actually happened amounted to hardly anything more than a change of sort of managerial personnel .
9 Yet when one starts to look at the overall picture a little more deeply , will the obvious strengthening of what will be nine single Championship weeks , be anything more than a move which enables the rich to get richer and actually sets into motion what could become a long term contraction , rather than expansion of the sport , especially if the much-needed revival in the world economy takes longer to become bullish than some of the optimists have been forecasting .
10 The United States required continuing evidence of PLO acceptance of Israel and repudiation of violence as the price for diplomatic contact , but it was unclear whether it was yet willing to encourage Palestinian accommodationist tendencies by granting the PLO anything more than a hearing .
11 Recently published Dataquest figures indicate a potential market size of $300 million by 1990 but with less that a year of history to go on this can hardly be taken as anything more than a guideline .
12 If you guys really want to be anything more than a footnote in the annals of British history get this — ‘ Egalitarianism is for Losers ’ .
13 To put it another way , bargaining provides the cement essential if the American polity is to be anything more than a conglomeration of unintegrated fragments .
14 In fact , he had no need of anything more than a lock of hair he showed me . ’
15 Could it be anything more than a compulsion to take the eternal conflict between the sexes to the ultimate battleground ?
16 Michael Middleton might argue ‘ that Minton is aware of man , … in relation to nature , to his self-constructed civilisation , to the passing moment , ’ but his failure to establish for his figures a setting that is anything more than a backcloth , limited the humanism inherent in his work , as well as its social or political relevance .
17 Nobody dared to claim that Dukakis represented anything in particular or that he could reliably arouse anything more than a snore , but that was not the point .
18 It is not clear that one has to postulate anything more than a reaction like Pavlov 's dog learning to anticipate its dinner whenever it hears the bell .
19 Unlike some of its competitors , Bull says it has yet to work out whether or not Posix compatibility for proprietary systems is anything more than a marketing gimmick , and so it has not yet embarked on the expensive process of adapting the GCOS operating systems to comply with Posix .
20 But if you put all of these together , do they amount to anything more than a restorationist position ?
21 We were not used to drinking anything more than a glass of watered wine with our meals , and the effect on us , while not immediate , was catastrophic .
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